Ginger Cats Display Everything We Love About Ginger Cats

Nobody can convince me ginger cats aren't top tier cats.

  • Published in Animals
Ginger Cats Display Everything We Love About Ginger Cats

There are many different kinds of cats, but among the best cats of all is truly ginger cats. Other names for the gorgeous coat so many purr-fect cats possess that we can't get enough of include: red, marmalade, and simply orange.

Did you know that the deciding factor in a cat being ginger comes down to genetics? According to Purina, "the ginger gene 'O', is responsible for producing phaeomelanin (the red pigment), and this pigment is so dominant it will mask all other colors. In order to produce your ginger cat, the gene needs to be carried to the 'X' chromosome - a male cat has one 'X' chromosome, whereas females have two."

Check out this dedicated gallery of ginger cat appreciation RIGHT MEOW:

1. Proper as heck

1. Proper as heckjafun

2. Chester is a type

2. Chester is a type_no_wuckas_

3. He's a cat with a plan

3. He's a cat with a plansijedevos

4. The purr-fect fit is all a mindset for the determined ginger cat

4. The purr-fect fit is all a mindset for the determined ginger catcoastalme

5. It will be swift. It will be violent. It may smell like cat pee.

5. It will be swift. It will be violent. It may smell like cat pee.alicatmonster

6. Purr-fect

6. Purr-fectcan_i_has_beer

7. You know, this is actually quite questionable behavior for a cat, even a ginger cat.

7. You know, this is actually quite questionable behavior for a cat, even a ginger cat.AdmiralAckbarPlease

8. Gotta love the airplane ears

8. Gotta love the airplane earsprunus_persicus


9. YOGATPalesh

10. Oh Lawd He Comin'

10. Oh Lawd He Comin'Zombie2313

11. Some relationships are complicated.

11. Some relationships are complicated.samanthaspolaroids

12. In Jasper's defense, they're really great knees.

12. In Jasper's defense, they're really great knees.brownishgirl

13. If you see this in purrson, be afraid. Be very afraid.

13. If you see this in purrson, be afraid. Be very afraid.Silent_Wanderer_2021

14. Do cats truly have regrets??

14. Do cats truly have regrets??yung_demus

15. The prophecy comes to fruition

15. The prophecy comes to fruitionFuckPOTUS45

16. Vince is the sort of cat that will make your day better simply by existing

16. Vince is the sort of cat that will make your day better simply by existingmeltonmowblay

17. Maximum Derp Effect

17. Maximum Derp Effectzeropointeight

18. This cat is helping, obviously.

18. This cat is helping, obviously.an0ther_pers0n

19. To say the least

19. To say the leastLumuxNox_666

20. How dare you anger him

20. How dare you anger himreddit

21. The answer is easly: not enough

21. The answer is easly: not enoughmirarom

22. This cat is F R U G A L

22. This cat is F R U G A Lhotbuns18

23. A curly cat blep

23. A curly cat blepFlaxxtotheMaxx

24. Whoops!

24. Whoops!anxiousNugget

25. How could any cat lover resist this face?

25. How could any cat lover resist this face?Youngsoonie

26. He was here all along.

26. He was here all along.Available_Ask_8725

27. Turns out ginger cats and strawberries are not peas in a pod

27. Turns out ginger cats and strawberries are not peas in a podClothesAffectionate1

28. This cat is leadership material

28. This cat is leadership materialsebastian_rhodes


29. ICONICS_AbulEzz

30. An absolute gargoyle.

30. An absolute gargoyle.niiamht

31. Is this not a standard way to start the morning when you're a full time cat caretaker??

31. Is this not a standard way to start the morning when you're a full time cat caretaker??GoldenDog1112

32. Bless his heart

32. Bless his heartArcangel613