Exquisitely Photographed Macro Shots Of Cat Eyes

He calls himself a "crazy cat man."

Exquisitely Photographed Macro Shots Of Cat Eyes

Andrew Marttila is an amazing photographer based in Philadelphia. He calls himself a "crazy cat man."

For his love of the cats, his work of photography revolves around these furry creatures. His latest work is a series of macro shots of cat eyes.

These photographs are brilliantly shot capturing the fine details including the color of the iris and the pupils. This brilliantly photographed series captures the wide array of colors of cat eyes expressing the magnanimity and fierceness of these furry creatures.

Martilla has been allergic to cats and dogs since he was a child. However, due to his love for the felines, he came over this allergy when he was 22 years old.

In order to counter his allergy, he exposed himself to larger animals and developed immunity. Once he was over it, he launched his career in photography.

Over the years, he has become quite popular for his work and has worked with some celebrity cats as well including Grumpy cat, Pudge, and Lil Bub. His work has been praised by all cat lovers.

He also has a cat of his own, a Bengal cat and he calls him Haroun. All those who are following Martilla on his Instagram that Haroun is his most favorite subject of photography when he is not working on any assignment.

Scroll on to enjoy these mesmerizing macro photos of cat eyes. If you enjoy these photographs, do visit the photographer at the following links to check out more of his work: Instagram Website


OberonAndrew Marttila


HuskerAndrew Marttila


HarounAndrew Marttila


JinxAndrew Marttila

Imogen the Kitten

Imogen the KittenAndrew Marttila


KipAndrew Marttila


LadyAndrew Marttila


BenedictAndrew Marttila


HobbesAndrew Marttila


AhavaAndrew Marttila


ShoyuAndrew Marttila


AjaAndrew Marttila


SqueakAndrew Marttila