Naughty Cats Can't Stop Biting Things And It's Honestly Adorable

How can you stay mad at these sweet faces?

  • Published in Animals
Naughty Cats Can't Stop Biting Things And It's Honestly Adorable

Cats are phenomenal companions. I'd argue until blue in the face that my cats are my best friends, I'd do just about anything for them.

However, that doesn't stop me from accepting and admitting some hard truths. Cats can be a little... naughty. Don't get me wrong, cats are cute even when they're naughty and I'll laugh before I dare scold a cat, ever (because honestly, it takes a lot of human audacity to scold a kitty.)

These bitey, bitty, babies you're about to giggle hard at are equally cute and naughty. Remember: cat bites are tokens of affection most of the time. Your cat may be super duper feisty but your cat definitely loves you.

1. No touchy

1. No touchyJlive13

2. "My little monster."

2. sadlittlekat

3. Maintaining routine is important.

3. Maintaining routine is important. His_Stigness

4. Um, that's your boss.

4. Um, that's your boss.SharalSU

5. Meatball the Make Up Artist

5. Meatball the Make Up Artist_ThatSynGirl_

6. Gotchya


7. Love Monch

7. Love MonchnobodyTMFMS

8. What kitty wants, kitty gets.

8. What kitty wants, kitty gets.kaputtel

9. Impressive

9. Impressivepointsofellie

10. Wittle nibble

10. Wittle nibblemacncheesemami

11. Only regret? Getting caught.

11. Only regret? Getting caught. MarxistLesbian

12. Let this be a lesson, hooman.

12. Let this be a lesson, hooman.lissy51886

13. A cats gotta do what a cats gotta do.

13. A cats gotta do what a cats gotta do. cosmotrippin

14. Yummy Yummy

14. Yummy Yummyelisabeth_Dazzels

15. Cats also function as alarm clocks

15. Cats also function as alarm clocks chrisana_kyu


16. FIERCEiantruesnacks


17. JarrenTH

18. Helpful.

18. Helpful.gravy_thetrain