Cats Comfortably Sitting In The Weirdest Positions Get Shared On Twitter And They're All Hilarious
Cats are always doing their own thing and they don't really care if you don't approve

Cats see the world through a different lens, probably because cats process things differently and make their decisions according to their own cat logic (which is often quite flawed and not that logical at all). Normal human rules don't apply to our cats, they won't think twice before doing something because pretty much all kitties live in the moment.
Attempting to modify your cat's behavior is extremely hard. However, it's still possible if you happen to be a professional, but otherwise, it's a huge waste of time.These cats always sit in the weirdest positions and it's honestly the funniest thing ever, that's probably why each cat's family decided to share the photos on Twitter.
1. "My idiot cat does this so often that my fiance had a necklace made for me of his signature pose"

2. Get out hooman, now

3. Contemplating its kitten life

4. "This is Meatball"

5. Angry at the world

6. Oh hey there

7. "His name is Burger and we love him"

8. "Cat chillin in Ephesus"

9. Look at my beautiful tail

10. Lord Mittens Wants To Be Fed

11. "Goblin cat"

12. "He was a skater boi"

13. A random chonk chilling out

14. Hairless chonk snoozing

15. "My cat this morning"

16. "Leila"

17. Yeah look at me hooman

18. "I love how awkward he looks in these pictures"

19. "His name is Biscuit"

20. "When the quarantine diet catches up to you"

21. "My cat was literally sitting like this as I came across this thread lmao"

22. This is my pillow now

23. What an adorable baby

24. "It's her time to shine"

25. This cat seems fed up with life

26. What kind of cat is this

27. Thinking about the world's biggest problems

28. Come sit next to me

29. Weird poses all day every day

30. "Meatloaf Mike, manspreading"
