Users Created A Thread Dedicated To Hooligan Cats Who Have Their Own Warning Signs So That Other Humans Can Stop Their Mischief

These cats love sneaking into places they're not supposed to be in.

  • Published in Animals
Users Created A Thread Dedicated To Hooligan Cats Who Have Their Own Warning Signs So That Other Humans Can Stop Their Mischief

There's no denying that cats are some of the most amusing creatures around. They're always getting into mischief and causing all sorts of trouble. But that's part of what makes them so lovable.

One thing that all cat owners can attest to is that cats love to knock things over. It doesn't matter what it is, if it's sitting on a table or shelf, chances are your cat will try to knock it off. We're not sure why they do this, but it's certainly entertaining (albeit frustrating at times).

Another amusing quirk of cats is their fascination with boxes. No matter how big or small the box is, cats will always find a way to squeeze themselves into it. They just can't resist the urge to explore every nook and cranny.

Of course, cats wouldn't be complete without their signature meow. They use this vocalization to communicate with us humans, and each meow has a different meaning. While we may not always understand what they're trying to say, it's still pretty adorable.

Now, these are all mild shenanigans that cats do. But some of them can be hooligans to that point that humans have to create warning signs for fellow humans.

Max the cat (the feline who's fond of sneaking into the library) is one of them. Despite being hooligans, these felines are nice cats who just like hanging around with humans.

There's one thing we appreciate about this sign.

It's the fact that it says that Max is a nice cat. And we believe that this was written truthfully, without Max hovering behind the person who wrote this!

There's one thing we appreciate about this sign.@memesiwish

This is Max. He loves the library.

This is Max. He loves the library.@memesiwish

We all love Max. And we don't appreciate the hoomans shooing him away from the library.

Who cares if the feline peed on books like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or made a scratcher out of To Kill a Mockingbird? He's way important that these things!

We all love Max. And we don't appreciate the hoomans shooing him away from the library.@stromafterdark

The phrase that broke a user's heart

The phrase that broke a user's heart@RarelyCasual, @RobFletch1393

See how important Max is? The library even acknowledges this fact!

See how important Max is? The library even acknowledges this fact!@Macalester

Here's another cat with a sign written about them.

Here's another cat with a sign written about them.@GanjacOLOgist

Here's a close-up of that sign.

Here's a close-up of that sign.@GanjacOLOgist

An Airbnb customer notices that there are some special mentions on the sign.

An Airbnb customer notices that there are some special mentions on the sign.@podzilla

Another sign defending the sneaky feline

Cats love to be sneaky simply because it's in their nature. This is the way felines hunt: all the concealment, silent movements, and the ability to only let their eyes be visible are part of it.

This is how cats live their lives.

Another sign defending the sneaky feline@podzilla

The friendly Trashcat also loves hanging out on the edge of the hot tub.

The friendly Trashcat also loves hanging out on the edge of the hot tub.@podzilla

It's exactly as the signs mentioned. The Trashcat appears on the hot tub.

It's exactly as the signs mentioned. The Trashcat appears on the hot tub.@podzilla

Despite being hooligans, cats are simply delightful creatures.

Even though they drive us crazy sometimes, it's hard to imagine a life without them. Many people believe that they have tons of shenanigans because they are trying to make us humans laugh.

Others think that their antics are a way of showing us how much they enjoy life. Even if they're full of mischief, we love our feline friends and their silly ways.
