Female Cat Takes Her Sick Kitten To The Clinic, And The Medics Rush To Help

This story is just heart-melting

Female Cat Takes Her Sick Kitten To The Clinic, And The Medics Rush To Help

Anyone who says cats aren't loving can kick rocks, and this cat's incredible story is strong evidence in support of cats everywhere. A photo taken at one Istanbul hospital’s emergency room became viral, and, strangely, it is not showing coronavirus patients. 

A picture of a mother cat bringing her ill kitten to the hospital intended to humans was taken and shared on Twitter by Merve Özcan. In the photos, we can see paramedics that quickly surrounded the troubled mom cat and tried to comfort her.

Of course, they took good care of her kitten too, so the kitten is healthy and well now! It is just amazing how the cat knew where to turn for help.

Turkish people have great respect for cats, so she would probably get help from any human, but the cat went to the professionals and it looks like mama cat really made the right choice.

Not long ago, a stray cat mother took her baby to the ER in Istanbul

Not long ago, a stray cat mother took her baby to the ER in Istanbulozcanmerveee

The photo was shared by thousands of people on Turkish social media and amassed more than 82k likes on Reddit. In the pictures shared on Twitter, a young kitten is seen carried by its mom to the human ER. “Today we were in the emergency room of the hospital when a cat rushed to bring her offspring in her mouth,” Merve Özcan, who initially shared the pictures, wrote.


The pictures that were shared show paramedics huddled around the felines

The pictures that were shared show paramedics huddled around the felinesozcanmerveee

The Turkish media says that the medics responded instantly and examined the kitten for apparent health issues. The mom cat was following her child everywhere, not leaving her alone for a second.


A worried mom was served with some milk and food while her kitten was taken care of.

A worried mom was served with some milk and food while her kitten was taken care of.ozcanmerveee

Local media says that while the newborn was being examined, the physicians gave its mom some snacks and milk to make her more comfortable and relaxed. 


And after the triage from the human doctors, the two felines were taken to a vet

And after the triage from the human doctors, the two felines were taken to a vetozcanmerveee

This episode was all over Turkish media

This episode was all over Turkish mediaozcanmerveee

Folks on Reddit complimented the Istanbul hospital’s staff for their thoughtful acts. Some also reminisced stories of their own when people helped animals in distress. “This happened in my hometown with a birthing cat. She had problems and walked up to the hospital and started to meow. They helped her, and she is now the pet of the doctor who called the vet,” one Reddit user posted.


And the folks on social media said:

And the folks on social media said: