Adorable Cat Loves Sinks So Much That Her Owners Got Her A Sink Of Her Own

She seems so happy now ❤️

Adorable Cat Loves Sinks So Much That Her Owners Got Her A Sink Of Her Own

You never know what things your cat might bond to and obsess over. Most of the time, it's reasonable to assume that our cats will cling to rational things like a favorite cat toy or a cozy cat bed, or maybe even the perfect spot in your home for a cat nap!

BUT, not all cats are the same and some cats find themselves obsessed with something a little... different. Lazuli and her sister Lapis were only tiny kittens when they were first adopted by their forever family.

Soon after adoption, it became clear to Lazuli’s family that their cat was absolutely obsessed with sinks. Lazuli spends most of her days hanging out in any sink the kitty cat can find around the house.

Once the cat's obsession became clear, her family came up with a brilliant idea: Lazuli definitely deserves her own sink. That's right, this loving family got their cat her very own sink.

In addition to her own sink, Lazuli and Lapis have their own room in the house which is where their parents decided to put her new sink. They went straight to home depot, and after browsing through a couple of sinks they finally settled on one that they thought their cat Lazuli would love the most and bought it.

Just a cat who loves sinks.

Just a cat who loves sinks.BRENNAN

“She kept sneaking into the bathrooms as we were leaving them to relax in sinks and then would yell for help when she realized she was stuck in there without the rest of her pack/pride,” Brennan, Lazuli’s dad told The Dodo. 


“It was only like 30 bucks which isn’t really much more than most cat trees and toys, so it was worth it,” Brennan said. “It’s not even heavy like you would think so it was easy to set up for her.” 

A cat face that says: "this better not be a prank."

A cat face that says: BRENNAN

The happiness on Lazuli's face was quite clear once the sink was all set up and presented to her.

“She’s essentially saying … ‘Really?! My own sink just for me,’” Brennan said.

A cat who really, really, really loves sinks.

A cat who really, really, really loves sinks.BRENNAN

Lazuli now loves hanging out in her own sink every chance she gets. Luckily for her, her cat siblings aren't that into sinks so no one ever bothers her.

Curly Cat


“It’s quite popular in the summer, but only with Lazuli,” Brennan said. “The other cats don’t seem to care about it.” 
