Redditor Asks If She's An A**hole For Putting A Raincoat On Her Cat
Her sister things she's being cruel putting a rain coat on her cat.

As most of the world knows, a lot of domesticated cats don't particularly love the water. Some of them would even go to great lengths just to avoid one bath.
That said, they won't be able to avoid water their entire life so many cat owners try different methods to help their cats face their fear. Some people would slowly keep introducing water to their cats until they're kind of desensitized while others would make their cats wear stuff like boots or even raincoats so they won't get wet in the rain or such.
Of course, there's a proper way to do these things but they're perfectly normal and would actually help cat owners care for their cats a lot better. However, Redditor rainjacat's sister doesn't think so, especially about putting clothes on cats.
See OP puts a raincoat on her cat every time it rains and even though the cat isn't trying to remove it or show any adverse reactions to it, OP's sister thinks she's being cruel to the kitty. She thinks OP is an a**hole for doing this and now, OP is wondering if she's right after all.
Here's the whole story so you could get a clearer picture of the situation.
OP asks:

The cat seems to love the raincoat because it protects him from the rain when he goes outside

However, OP's sister thinks she's being cruel for putting her cat in the raincoat

OP seems to be doing the best she can for her dear cat by making sure his needs are properly met despite the conditions that they're in. And that's a good thing, right?
Plus, the cat doesn't seem to mind the raincoat. It's not like it's going to be wearing it as well all day long, isn't it?
Many people in the comments section also agree that OP isn't the one in the wrong in this situation. Here are the top comments.
1. Cats wouldn't allow anything on them that they didn't like

2. Cats will clearly make sure if something you're putting on them displeases them

3. The raincoat is as practical as it is

4. Cats are honest and they'll let you have a piece of their mind if they didn't want something

5. The sister needs to back up her argument before she can start calling OP the bad one here

6. If the cat doesn't mind, why does the sister have to make a big deal out of it?

7. Follow the cat, ignore the sister

8. Cats don't hide what they feel

9. It sounds like OP's sister is just looking for something to whine about

10. Sister is being the mean one in this situation

11. It all depends on the animal's preferences

12. If the cat loves it then the matter is settled

13. The answer is nothing

14. Maybe explaining the benefits to the sister would help her understand

15. The sister might not understand this little joy in life

16. The sister needs a chill pill

17. If they like it, why deprive them of it

18. The sister should mind her own business

19. OP was just looking out for her cat

20. OP is simply doing what's best for her cat

From what OP explained, it seems that she's just doing what she can for her cat to be able to fully enjoy his life. And that isn't a bad thing.
Plus, if the cat doesn't really mind the raincoat, why make a big deal out of it? It clearly understands the benefits of wearing it.
As it seems, it's the sister who doesn't understand. Hopefully, OP would be able to make her understand and see a different perspective.