Redditors Rally Behind OP For Choosing Her Cat Over Attending Her Friend's Wedding, Even If She Was The Maid Of Honor
OP had set her priorities right.
- Published in Interesting
Human empathy is a multifaceted and intricate emotion. This term means "knowing, being mindful of, being receptive to, and vicariously absorbing the emotions, sentiments, and experience of another from the past or present without having them objectively stated."
Experts claim that there is no correlation between species and empathy. Instead, it's a matter of feeling weak and defenseless.
Many form emotional connections with animals because they need us and benefit from our care and attention. Animal Rescue groups share this heightened empathy when dealing with distressed cats, dogs, or other animals.
Instinctive parental love for one's children can be likened to the loved one has for one's pets, as a result of their inability to help themselves or their natural inclination to care for and assist them.
When we think of an adult human, we picture someone who can confidently stand up for their rights or protect themselves from harm. Now you know why it's so hard to read about stories involving abused dogs (or children) and not feel an emotional response.
Unconditional love is something many of us long for. Someone who accepts us exactly as we are, who doesn't try to change us, who is always delighted to see us (even if we're in a bad mood), who understands us perfectly and communicates with us in ways that don't require words, and who we can be open and vulnerable with.
The need for love that doesn't make any conditions is universal. Finding this rare commodity in human interactions can be challenging, but many people have experienced it with their pets.
OP asks:
Reddit/Real-Team4072"It's a tough to find out that you and someone you care don't share compatible values."
Reddit/000-Hotaro_TomeoMy fur babies are more valuable than the friendship that we had.
Reddit/TazMooMaking sure the health of my cats is important as paying my bills on time.
Reddit/andreaak88"Animals rely on us just like kids do."
Reddit/TheBad_DILDeciding where to go between two important event is very stressful. I can't blame the response of both parties because of the emergency.
Reddit/charonthemoon"You can't plan emergencies."
Reddit/Impossible-Pause3788"Weddings is just for entitlement."
Reddit/LuxSerafina"So much stress for wedding and you just called with an emergency."
Reddit/3xlduckOnly fur parents can relate.
Reddit/Restin_in_Pizza"You dropped out for a family emergency. you didn't cancel the wedding."
Reddit/thtthtthhthtthhhhAll decisions have consequences.
Reddit/theyusedthelambpost"You set your priorities and it had consequences."
Reddit/ohnonothisagainNerve wrecking situation.
Reddit/Equivalent-Pea-6676"Your relationship with your friends is way more important than the opinion of stepmother."
Reddit/esk_7140The sit is already given to others.
Reddit/FlyOverHangover"Cancelled because of despite or cancelled because they invited someone else."
Reddit/seregil24"Would she really expect you to stand up there and smile if your cat had died that morning?"
Reddit/VixenNorieNot a valid reason to took down a wedding invitation where you'll be part of the ceremony.
Reddit/fanastrilMaybe the reception has limitation.
Reddit/DaxxyDreamsEmergency situation is an excuse and considerable.
Reddit/voluntod9276People who do not have a pet might not be able to understand why fur parents care the way they do for these animals. They are even willing to sacrifice important events if their pet needs them.
It's on a case-to-case basis, too. Everyone has their priorities, which means that what might be the most important thing for you might not be the same for others.