Cat Realizes That She Only Gets To Eat When The Clock Strikes Nine So She Tries To Move Its Hands, And It Is Just Adorable

This cat is so smart, she knows what time she gets her meal.

Cat Realizes That She Only Gets To Eat When The Clock Strikes Nine So She Tries To Move Its Hands, And It Is Just Adorable

Cats are incredibly smart. They seem to know what their hoomans are doing and when it's time for their meal.

Although we never know what's going on in their heads, they seem to be able to anticipate our next move and know what we're thinking. According to experts, the brain structure of a cat is similar to other intelligent animals and us, humans.

An article by Psychology Today says that the cerebral cortex of felines, the area where problem-solving and decision-making happens, has an estimate of 300 million neurons. This is also the part where language interpretation and storage of long and short-term memory takes place.

It's the reason why our cats learn by performing the task rather than observing it. Furthermore, felines have more nerve cells in the visual sections of their brains than humans and most other mammals.

The intelligence of cats has been proven by scientists...and pet owners! Today, we're looking at a cat named Mikasanyan who's aware of her meal times.

According to her owner, the feline eats twice a day, specifically at 9 AM and 9 PM. In one tweet, she says that perhaps Mikasanyan realized the connection between the clock and the meal as the cat noticed that her meal is being prepared while looking at the time.

This cat is so smart, she knows that the clock needs to point to 9, which is her mealtime.

She persistently tries to move the hands of the clock. But she fails.

This cat is so smart, she knows that the clock needs to point to 9, which is her mealtime.@MikasaLove611

Trying to rethink her strategy?

Trying to rethink her strategy?@MikasaLove611

The cat thinks that it will work with her other paw.

The cat thinks that it will work with her other paw.@MikasaLove611

She tries again with her other paw, but this time, she ends up toppling the clock down.

She tries again with her other paw, but this time, she ends up toppling the clock down.@MikasaLove611

"What now, hooman?"


See Mikasanyan in action below.

According to her owner, this cat realized that no matter how violent she gets, the hand of this object needs to point to 9 o'clock before she could get her meal.

She attempted to "speed up time," a prohibited technique that even mankind has yet to accomplish, but the clock fell.

The reaction of the cat who miserably failed with her quest to point the hand of the clock to nine.

Meal? Meal? It's nine o'clock, so it's time for your meal? Meal? Meal? It's nine o'clock, huh? Time for your meal, right?...

Mikasanyan's owner tells the cat on the video.

Cats may have lots of antics up their sleeve, but we love them all the same.

They're so funny when they pull all those tricks just to get what they want. Watching cats like Mikasanyan who tries to force the hands of the clock just to get her meal does make your day.

The tweet containing the video of this cat attempting to move the hands of the clock instantly won the internet. As of writing, the post received 88.1K likes and was retweeted 25.3K times.

If you want to see more fun stuff from Mikasanyan, go right ahead and follow her on Twitter. The owner posts videos of the feline regularly.

Tell your friends and family about this post if they also love cats being goofballs.
