Woman Gets Shocked To Find Out Why This Stray Cat Won't Eat Unless It Is In A Bag

"The potency of a mother’s love remains steadfast"

Woman Gets Shocked To Find Out Why This Stray Cat Won't Eat Unless It Is In A Bag

It's no surprise that a large number of people regularly come in contact with stray and feral cats. Normally, everyone is highly encouraged to have their cat fixed or spayed.

The overabundance of cats in our neighborhood can be reduced only by doing this. Nonetheless, if you end up with a litter of kittens or decide to take in a stray, there are recommended steps that will help you in raising them until they reach 8 weeks old.

This is the earliest age at which they can be separated from their mother and/or other littermates. The majority of the early care will be provided by mom and this is exactly what is depicted in today's story.

There is no force like the bond that exists between a mother and her child. Regardless of her species, a mother's innate altruism frequently forces her to put her children's welfare ahead of her own.

A mother's love is unwavering in its power, regardless of the creature she raises—a dog, a cat, or any other. Dongsuk was a stray cat that a kind woman had been feeding for a long time.

She was only one of the many cats that the generous woman had been taking care of but Dongsuk abruptly stopped eating the meal that was offered to her and here's why:

A mom always prioritizes her offspring’s well-being above her own

A mom always prioritizes her offspring’s well-being above her ownYouTube/Kritter Klub

The woman noticed that Dongsuk's actions had altered after some time. Only food that is wrapped in a plastic bag will be accepted by Dongsuk.

If not, she would just stand there while the other cats ate, hungry as they might be. Kindheartedly, the woman started packing a bag of food every day just for Dongsuk.

Dongsuk would only eat if the food was packaged in a plastic bag

Dongsuk would only eat if the food was packaged in a plastic bagYouTube/Kritter Klub

Dongsuk would take the bag and cautiously put it in her mouth before scurrying off. The woman was intrigued by Dongsuk's actions and decided to follow her one day as she wanted to know what the cat does with the food.

That's when she realized that Dongsuk was bringing the food to her surviving kitten instead of consuming it herself. Dongsuk had given birth to five kittens a few weeks prior, but sadly, only one of them survived.

The woman became curious about the fate of the food and decided to follow her

The woman became curious about the fate of the food and decided to follow herYouTube/Kritter Klub

The surviving kitten shared her mother's orange and white fur. Dongsuk would slowly open the bag, letting her child eat until she was satisfied, then enjoy her own dinner. Dongsuk's maternal devotion moved the woman deeply, and she felt obliged to help them in some manner.

This story is told in further detail in the video below!


It is recommended that kittens remain with their moms for a minimum of 12 to 13 weeks in order to ensure optimal physical and behavioral development. A new home can be found for each kitten after they are weaned, as the mother cat's milk provides a lot of key nutrients.

This cat has proven that she is one of those moms who would never abandon her young and it is lovely to see.
