31 Funny Memes That All Cat Owners and Lovers Can Relate To
We all love cats and memes that feature them.

Cats are so funny that people can always use them to create memes. Use a cat for a hilarious meme, and you'll probably see it getting shared here and there.
Cats are serious and silly in one. They have such lively energy, and at the same time, can chill and sleep almost everywhere around the house.
Their great personalities and entertaining antics bring them to the top of all internet content. That's why it's no longer surprising to see these furballs being featured in various memes across the world wide web.
We've seen the likes of Grumpy Cat and Limecat skyrocket to fame overnight. The former even made money amounting to $120 million for its owner.
They are household names even to this day. Through the years, we saw a lot of classics, including the hilarious "aw gee thanks" and darkness found even in the most adorably innocent kitten.
We have cat owners to thank for their willingness to make jokes about their feline companions. With them, we have tons of unforgettable memes we can always look back to.
These furballs have been stealing the hearts of internet users since the beginning. And now, let's look at the cat memes we've compiled for your entertainment.
1. Cats just love it.

2. Even we can relate to them.

3. He always has that look of excitement.

4. Only hugs can stop this cat from yelling and biting them

5. The literal cat calling.

6. When the cat brings home a sponge instead.
Perhaps this cat can no longer stand the filth. He wants his human to clean the house.

7. The confirmation.

8. Cats will always have a place in our hearts, just like this owner.

9. Leaning forward for a smooch.

10. He's not really dirty.

11. Just look at that smile. Isn't he handsome?

12. So sweet!

13. The look of love.

14. Smudge the cat.

15. That's a great progress.

16. Don't we all feel the same?

17. She isn't wrong.

18. When you need reassurance, look at this cat.

19. That glow up is stunning!

20. That heart-warming laugh after having a look-alike toy.

21. Every Christmas, new memory.

22. Works all the time!

23. How savage!

24. This cat knows how to catch the rainbow.

25. Real heroes save cats.

26. He ain't listenin'.

27. A truly magnificent sight.

28. We'll never know how this cat pulled those positions off.

29. Gotcha!

30. This cat wants to show you how to build a fort.

31. Plastic bags are this cat's favourite snack.
Very understandable, because bags from the grocery smell like food. Cats love the noises it produces too!

Cats are among the most amusing pets to have around.
Feature them in a meme, and it maxi mises the entertainment value. If you're looking for something to brighten your day, cat memes are your best choice.
What makes these memes funny is that they're the typical behaviors of cats. If you own a cat right now, you might even find some of them vary relatable.
The entertainment that cats can bring to us hoomans is almost unbeatable. Their silliness and facial expressions wins our hearts indeed.
We sure did enjoy those memes! We hope that they brought a smile on your face!