Signs That Your Cat Really Does Love You

It is a cat-astrophic shame that you’ve missed these signs.

  • Published in Animals
Signs That Your Cat Really Does Love You

Cats are stereo-typically very independent and closed off animals. The depiction of cats in media today is independent bordering on demanding and that they do not need the humans they surround themselves with.

Some however have been known to be very loving and enjoy sitting on laps being patted. I once knew a cat just like that (R.I.P. Simon - we miss you). Even if your cat isn’t like this, they are more than likely showing you signs of their love that are going missed.

Here are some signs that your cat really does love you that are absolutely adorable.

Soft love bites.

Soft love bites.Source

Hanging around you wherever you are.

Hanging around you wherever you are.Source

Kneading you (and needing you)

Kneading you (and needing you)Source

Twitching the tips of their tail

Twitching the tips of their tailSource



Eye contact and possible kitty kisses.

Eye contact and possible kitty kisses.Source

Your cat brings you presents.

Your cat brings you presents.Source

Your kitty will show you their tummy.

Your kitty will show you their tummy.Source

Your cat will headbutt you.

Your cat will headbutt you.Source