After Being Rescued From A Place With Terrible Living Conditions, This Cat Likes Nothing More Than Sleeping In Her Tiny Doll Bed

“She sleeps there the entire night all tucked in”

After Being Rescued From A Place With Terrible Living Conditions, This Cat Likes Nothing More Than Sleeping In Her Tiny Doll Bed

Sophie the cat sleeps in her own tiny bed with sheets, comforters, and even stuffed toys. This adorable image was once just a dream for her when she was living in inhumane conditions in her previous home.

You see, Sophie was rescued from a situation that can only be described as animal hoarding. Her previous owner had a large number of animals, all stuffed into small cages, one on top of the other…

She finally got a chance at a normal life when Christiana Viscusi and her partner adopted her. The kitty that was starving for attention wouldn’t let them alone, even when sleeping. She would climb the nightstand and sleep close to her humans.

Sophie gets to sleep in her own bed now

Sophie gets to sleep in her own bed nowChristiana Viscusi

 “I tried to see if she would sleep in our bed but she insisted on always sleeping on the dresser,” Christiana Viscusi, Sophie’s mom, says. “So after a few nights, I cleared off the dresser and put her bed there. She’s been going up to her bed when we go to bed ever since.”

“She gets up only once around 3 a.m. for a snack, then heads back up to her bed until my alarm goes off in the morning.” Viscusi added: “She sleeps there the entire night all tucked in.”

Even has a mini crocodile toy

Even has a mini crocodile toyChristiana Viscusi

“She gets up only once around 3 a.m. for a snack, then heads back up to her bed until my alarm goes off”

“She gets up only once around 3 a.m. for a snack, then heads back up to her bed until my alarm goes off”Christiana Viscusi

The new family tries to help her forget her life before

The new family tries to help her forget her life beforeChristiana Viscusi

She was rescued form a hoarding home when she was 3 years old

She was rescued form a hoarding home when she was 3 years old  Christiana Viscusi

She enjoys her new life

She enjoys her new lifeChristiana Viscusi

With loving parents

With loving parentsChristiana Viscusi

And her new bed

And her new bedChristiana Viscusi
Christiana Viscusi
Christiana Viscusi

She sleeps all tucked in

She sleeps all tucked inChristiana Viscusi