30+ Animal Memes To Brighten An Otherwise Gloomy Day

I thought I was a cat expert until now...
I like to consider myself a bit of a cat fact connoisseur. I know a lot about cats, they are my favourite animal, and I like to think I have a lot of random cat knowledge stored in my brain.
So when I saw a video titled "Cat Facts You Probably Didn't Know." I was very sceptical.
Usually, cat facts videos are full of the same facts over and over, and they rarely help you learn anything new about the mysterious animals. This is probably how cats like it.
These videos are different and I was SHOCKED at what I learnt... check them out below.
But don't think you can rub it!
Oh I thought cats loved sleeping in boxes?
They're always watching...
This position is so CUTE
This is my cat's favourite position
I have a purring cat on my lap right now. Which is cute but she is blocking my laptop.
"Nothing to see here!"
Glad they flex with their business.
"Listen up!!"
They're so powerful
My cat and I have something in common
Personally, I view this as an attack
This is the least of what I would do
Not cool!
Guess I'm at the bottom then.
Listen for the emphasis "O" or "E". O sounds mean they want something.
"You would not be able to fend for yourself in the wild."
And make sure you follow @UnHide for more.
Which fact was your favourite? Do you have another secret cat fact? Share them in the comments below!