Cat Life Hilariously Illustrated In Unusually Relatable Ways

How could anyone not love cats?

  • Published in Animals
Cat Life Hilariously Illustrated In Unusually Relatable Ways

Cats are elegant and strong-headed creatures, and cats tend to do what cats want – when cats want to do it. There is no compromise.

And even if you sometimes manage to make a cat, any cat, do what you want, do not be fooled. It’s just a part of the cat's plan.

Of course, cats have a tender side also. And what makes life with a cat interesting is that you never know which side of them you will see the next moment.

But it is a part of their charm, and we wouldn’t want it any other way. A Taiwanese artist who goes by the alias Meowow Park created a comic that depicts some things he learned from living with a cat. And every cat owner can relate. 

Cat relationships

Cat relationshipsmeowowpark

Cats and food

Cats and foodmeowowpark

Surprisingly, Meowow Park currently has no cat in his life. “I do not have one, but I am absolutely sure I will get a cat — or even two! — in the near future,” he stated.

So, how does a person who doesn’t own a cat know them so well - particularly the things that people realize after spending a lot of time with felines? Well, Meowow Park has an interesting way of spending his free time.

Cats and life

Cats and lifemeowowpark

Cats change you

Cats change youmeowowpark

Cats and butt massages

Cats and butt massagesmeowowpark

“My girlfriend and I are helping local stray cats. We frequent a park near my apartment where we feed and play with these neglected animals,” the cartoonist explained.

“We’ve got to know them, and they are very cute,” he said. “So all of the inspiration for my illustrations come from taking care of them.”

“Adopt. Don’t shop”, Meowow Park emphasized after spending time with homeless cats.

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