Cat Gets His Petty Revenge After He Was Locked In The Bathroom For Waking His Owner Up So Early

Cats are pretty good revenge seekers

Cat Gets His Petty Revenge After He Was Locked In The Bathroom For Waking His Owner Up So Early

Cats are wonderful creatures. Without a question, you'd agree that they make pretty awesome pets.

However, cats can also be very bothersome at times. Due to their nocturnal nature, they occasionally spend the night exploring and creating noise, which ruins what could have been a restful night's sleep.

Sometimes people claim that their cat is getting revenge on its owner because he is jealous or because he is doing something the owner dislikes. Cats do indeed experience feelings but can retaliation and envy be included as well?

These are sophisticated mental processes that are triggered by feelings. To put it simply, some people do believe that cats lack the mental capacity to plan revenge or to perceive that they have been wronged.

Still, some people post the petty revenge stories carried out by their beloved pets and some are truly hilarious. The OP of today's story has a cat who woke her up very early in the morning and she didn't like that.

Since cats are excellent at teaching us new behaviors, it's possible that your cat is waking you up early because you fed them or otherwise attended to them when they woke you up the previous time, and they are continuing to wake you up to receive that food or attention.

Read the OP's full story below to know how OP's cat got its revenge for being left in the bathroom.

The OP kicks off his story and it's quite a short one

The OP kicks off his story and it's quite a short oneReddit/CursedCatLady

A lot of the undesirable actions that cats take are typically motivated by boredom and attention-seeking. Your cat may be hungry and teaching you to feed them if it wakes you up early, or it may just be bored as this is when they would normally be "hunting" in the wild.

Sometimes, during those hours, an outside animal gets active, which can lead to some territorial concern. Either ways, someone's sleep is going to be disturbed and that's yours.

We've gathered some of the comments from other Redditors so keep scrolling down to check them out.

This Redditor has a similar story to share and here it is

This Redditor has a similar story to share and here it isReddit/CursedCatLady

This Redditor says that the story sounds like a pet me revenge

This Redditor says that the story sounds like a pet me revengeReddit/CursedCatLady

The OP left this in the comments

Yep. I love my little guy, but he is definitely an arsehole at times. One of his favourite pastimes is jumping on my stomach while I'm asleep.

Are you serious right now? Did you really do that?

Are you serious right now? Did you really do that?Reddit/CursedCatLady

This Redditor reveals how they get their own revenge on the cat

This Redditor reveals how they get their own revenge on the catReddit/CursedCatLady

Cats are difficult to ignore when they're hungry and they make wonderful first-time pets because of this. Being awakened very early, though, is no funny issue.

We cannot expect cats to be sleepy when we are since they do not share our sleep schedule. You see, cats are hunters and they thrive when given tasks that resemble hunting.

Contrary to popular belief, cats actually seek out and enjoy our presence, so don't see it as a bother when they wake you up so early. With a few adjustments, you can train them to do better.
