Woman Wants Cat For Mental Well-Being, Boyfriend's Newly Revealed Cat Allergy Creates Strain

"That caught me by surprise because he has never expressed any issues or discomfort with cats"

Woman Wants Cat For Mental Well-Being, Boyfriend's Newly Revealed Cat Allergy Creates Strain

Sometimes, people who adore animals find themselves in a tough spot. They have to choose between their love for their pets and their love for other people. It's not an easy decision to make.

You see, pets like cats or dogs can be like family members to some folks. They bring immense joy and comfort.

But there are times when it's really hard to find a solution that makes everyone happy. That's exactly what happened to OP.

She really wanted to get a cat to help with her mental health. Her best friend agreed, and they were excited about it. They both thought it would be a great idea.

The problem came when OP told her boyfriend about it. He surprised her by saying he was super allergic to cats.

This was a huge shock because he'd never mentioned it before. They had talked about cats before, and he seemed fine with the idea.

Their conversation turned into a big argument. Her boyfriend felt like she was putting the cat before him. He even talked about ending their relationship. It left OP feeling really confused and hurt.

Now, OP is stuck in a tough situation. She's trying to figure out if she's wrong for wanting a cat to help her mental health or if her boyfriend's allergies are a sign that he's not comfortable with the idea. It's a really complicated situation, and OP doesn't know what to do next.

OP and her roommate have relocated to an apartment that welcomes cats, and they intend to adopt a cat

OP and her roommate have relocated to an apartment that welcomes cats, and they intend to adopt a catReddit

OP's boyfriend became angry and threatened to end their relationship if OP decided to bring a cat into their lives.

OP's boyfriend became angry and threatened to end their relationship if OP decided to bring a cat into their lives.Reddit

OP realized he sent a message to a friend, expressing his concern that OP prioritize her cat over their relationship.

OP realized he sent a message to a friend, expressing his concern that OP prioritize her cat over their relationship.Reddit

The cat is a great support for OP's mental health and problem-solving.

The cat is a great support for OP's mental health and problem-solving.Reddit

He's not OP's boyfriend; he's just someone she's been out with a few times.

He's not OP's boyfriend; he's just someone she's been out with a few times.Reddit

OP needs to take the initiative and end things with him

OP needs to take the initiative and end things with himReddit

It seems like a cat would make a better companion than her boyfriend

It seems like a cat would make a better companion than her boyfriendReddit

OP is not wrong here

OP is not wrong hereReddit

A pet can be very helpful

A pet can be very helpfulReddit

It's best for OP to move on and enjoy her new pet.

It's best for OP to move on and enjoy her new pet.Reddit

No love between them

No love between themReddit

No one's the bad guy here. It's simply a mismatch

No one's the bad guy here. It's simply a mismatchReddit

In OP's situation, things are a bit complicated. She cares a lot about her happiness and her relationship with her boyfriend. But she also really loves animals, especially cats, and she thinks having one could make her feel better.

The first thing they should try is talking to each other honestly. They need to share their feelings and listen to each other's concerns. Maybe they can find ways to make it work, like finding ways to deal with allergies or considering pets that don't cause allergies.

OP's mental health is super important, so they should take it seriously. If having a cat helps her feel better, that's a big deal.

In the end, what matters most is that everyone is happy and well. Whether it's from having a pet or a good relationship, making sure everyone is okay is what's most important. It's a reminder that life can be complicated, and sometimes we have to make choices that help us feel our best.
