50 Cashiers Share The Items That Made Them Silently Judge Their Customers

Do you ever feel like you're being criticized by the checkout person at the supermarket? That's because you probably are.

50 Cashiers Share The Items That Made Them Silently Judge Their Customers

It's human nature to be concerned about what others think of us, at least to some degree. Whether it be the way we appear physically or the things we say or do, we tend to always take into consideration the opinion of those around us, whether we know them or not.

Why we care so much about what complete strangers think of us is a mystery. But we all do it, and it works both ways because we also tend to pass judgment on others without even realizing it.

For example, do you ever go out to a restaurant and feel like the person serving you is judging what you ordered? Or do you ever feel like you're being criticized by the checkout person at the supermarket?

Well, that's probably because a lot of the time they are indeed passing silent judgment on us. A Reddit user recently asked the question, "What items make you silently judge the people who buy them?"

In true Reddit fashion, an abundance of cashiers responded with some hilarious stories of the most intriguing things they've had to scan at the checkout. Keep scrolling to read about 50 items that have made cashiers get silently "judgy" with their customers.

1. "I still judge that man."

1. Reddit/Remembermybrave

2. "I feel genuinely bad for them."

2. Reddit/NeverNotAnIdiot

3. Embarrassing cucumbers.

3. Embarrassing cucumbers.Reddit/noelleka

4. "I told him it probably wasn't a good idea."

4. Reddit/NotMyRealName814

5. "I'm marinating chicken, I don't drink."

5. Reddit/I_Mir_I

6. It's upsetting.

6. It's upsetting.Reddit/ConcreteEnema

7. A pet is a pet.

7. A pet is a pet.Reddit/Avbitten

8. Come on, Karen!

8. Come on, Karen!Reddit/RilohKeen

9. Priorities.

9. Priorities.Reddit/LeatherHog

10. "Quite eye opening."

10. Reddit/MrSaturday1

11. "Babe, do you need some more cigarettes?"

11. Reddit/deleted

12. "You've been judged."

12. Reddit/orthoblack123

13. Don't be a pain in the a**!

13. Don't be a pain in the a**!Reddit/Mina_Nidaria

14. A bad liver you said?

14. A bad liver you said?Reddit/juicy_mangoes

15. No laughing matter.

15. No laughing matter.Reddit/goldyblocks

16. "Out of socks."

16. Reddit/kawaiipinkie

17. Damn!

17. Damn!Reddit/AdronNova

18. They're definitely drinking it.

18. They're definitely drinking it.Reddit/OramaBuffin

19. "He paid cash."

19. Reddit/naugasnake

20. Donuts, holes, and glue.

20. Donuts, holes, and glue.Reddit/Piemaster113

21. "You probably just caused a teenage pregnancy."

21. Reddit/alicat707

22. "What can you do for me?"

22. Reddit/theDart

23. "A pet is a luxury."

23. Reddit/lifewithgwin

24. "This guy has plans for the weekend."

24. Reddit/StillN0tATony

25. "Kinda awkward."

25. Reddit/hahahaahahsnfhd

26. That "premium" feel.

26. That Reddit/jasn_miller

27. "White crosses."

27. Reddit/notthesedays

28. It was just a fad.

28. It was just a fad.Reddit/Satakans

29. "Even convenience store drugs are actually drugs."

29. Reddit/fubo

30. A "defective" bag of dirt.

30. A Reddit/McMetal770

31. Those priorities definitely aren't right.

31. Those priorities definitely aren't right.Reddit/Hermenucha

32. Oh, addiction.

32. Oh, addiction.Reddit/tinytabbytoebeans

33. "F**k judgmental a** cashiers."

33. Reddit/SweatyFLMan1130

34. "Yeah boy, we got judged."

34. Reddit/banjowashisnamo

35. "Very impressed."

35. Reddit/poopmcgoop123

36. "Candy after Valentine's Day."

36. Reddit/Nekokittykun

37. "Mass-produced nonsense."

37. Reddit/kipobaker

38. "You trying to die soon?"

38. Reddit/ashgallows

39. Suspicious returns.

39. Suspicious returns.Reddit/Bigred2989-

40. "Don't drink them all in one setting."

40. Reddit/Enchanted_nerd

41. A non-judgmental cashier.

41. A non-judgmental cashier.Reddit/Amikoj

42. "It is amusing."

42. Reddit/purpleplatapi

43. A purchase to remember.

43. A purchase to remember.Reddit/MickeyMoist

44. What a combo!

44. What a combo!Reddit/hewhoforgetshisname

45. I just have to "grab a few more things."

45. I just have to Reddit/Suspicious_Dragonfly

46. Beep. Beep. Beep.

46. Beep. Beep. Beep.Reddit/dustbunnee

47. "A pregnancy test and a bunch of wire hangers."

47. Reddit/the6thistari

48. "Man up and buy your own."

48. Reddit/originalchaosinabox

49. A "long slender tube."

49. A Reddit/tigerlily987532

50. Setting them up for bad health.

50. Setting them up for bad health.Reddit/LemonPureLeafTea

So, there you have it. 50 items that have made cashiers silently judge the people buying them.

What are your thoughts? Are the items on this list worthy of criticism, or are they things you wouldn't even bat an eyelid at?

As always, we love to hear from you. Feel free to share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.
