Crafty Cashier Cooks Up Ingenious Way To Deal With Rude Customers

“If you can’t manage basic courtesy, kiss exceptional service goodbye.”

Crafty Cashier Cooks Up Ingenious Way To Deal With Rude Customers

If you’ve ever worked in retail, you’d know that everyday interactions could make or break a worker’s day. Your patience is constantly tested as the fierce battle for courtesy unfolds - with politeness being the ultimate prize.

Our narrator (Original Poster) worked as a cashier at what they affectionately dubbed the “Walmart of gas stations." Due to the sheer size and merchandise options, this equaled a high influx of customers - which automatically meant a higher influx of jerks.

OP had seen it all while toiling away behind the counter – the card swipers, the phone tappers, and then, there were - the cash slingers.

OP was filled with fury whenever customers carelessly hurled their dollars onto the counter. They didn't quite understand why this irked them so much, but one thing was for sure: the lack of simple courtesy got under their skin.

I mean, they're right there, arm extended, ready to accept the payment with a smile - so why? Being a master in the art of pettiness, OP concocted a delightfully petty revenge, a small act of resistance that brought them satisfaction.

With each 20-dollar bill flung for a humble $9 purchase, OP made a point to return the change in the most inconvenient manner possible - as many one-dollar bills and nickels as required. 

And heaven forbid anyone tossed a crisp Benjamin Franklin onto the counter – that's an automatic trigger for a landslide of fives. It was a mission to teach these offenders a lesson in courtesy, and with any luck, they’d learn soon enough. 

Let’s dig into the details

Let’s dig into the

A little background

A little

OP has a cheeky way of inconveniencing customers who throw their money on the counter

OP has a cheeky way of inconveniencing customers who throw their money on the

Here’s how the Reddit community reacted to the story:


“Dude, anyone in retail hates this.”

“Dude, anyone in retail hates this.”

“I had a woman pull a ball of crumpled bills out of her purse once and throw it on the counter in front of me one time.”

“I had a woman pull a ball of crumpled bills out of her purse once and throw it on the counter in front of me one time.”

“When I had this happen to me as a cashier I would always place the money on the counter.“

“When I had this happen to me as a cashier I would always place the money on the counter.“

“I tend to put the cash on the counter between the cashier and I, simply because I picked up the habit during COVID.“

“I tend to put the cash on the counter between the cashier and I, simply because I picked up the habit during COVID.“

“Place their change on the counter, one piece at a time, very deliberately, and COUNT ALOUD very deliberately.”

“Place their change on the counter, one piece at a time, very deliberately, and COUNT ALOUD very deliberately.”

“Flippantly throw that stuff on the counter , that's how you're getting your change back.“

“Flippantly throw that stuff on the counter , that's how you're getting your change back.“

Apparently, some people have superstitious beliefs about handing money over at certain periods of the day

Apparently, some people have superstitious beliefs about handing money over at certain periods of the

“Maybe, if you don’t like your job anymore, throw their change back.”

“Maybe, if you don’t like your job anymore, throw their change back.”

Small acts of pettiness can indeed be the sweetest form of revenge sometimes. In sharing this saga, we might just find ourselves questioning our own habits as customers.

OP’s small act of rebellion reminds us that a touch of kindness and respect can go a long way, even at the humblest of places. 

So, next time you find yourself at the checkout, remember – treat your cashiers with respect, or prepare to face the JANGALANG-ing consequences.

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments 
