Hilarious Cat Surprised This Woman With An Unexpected Pregnancy
This story starts with a cat named Kevin who was actually a VERY pregnant female cat

We all know that taking care of and owning cats, results in a whole mixture of emotions. Two days with even a singly kitty are never the same as the cheeky creatures take it upon themselves to create new and exciting ways to cause mischief.
Naturally, cats are always super cute whilst doing so. Cat lovers also know that it is the cat that chooses the owner.
While, when you are selecting a cat from the shelter you can try and choose one, ultimately, you need to wait for the cats to choose you back. And sometimes, like in this story, stray cats very boldly come and insert themselves into your lives!
Read on to hear the beautiful and adorable story of taking care of a random pregnant cat, named Kevin.
One day, a random cat showed up. While initially hesitant, keeping its distance (but still eating the food!), the cat ended up allowing them to pet him!

They named it Kevin.

Eventually, they managed to take him to the vet.

And discovered that Kevin is actually a girl...

And a pregnant girl, at that!

WTF Kevin!

Kevin loves to hide and caused a LOT of trouble

How can you be mad at the lil guy though!

They began to get impatient waiting for the kittens!

But in the meantime, Kevin made friends with their dog, Murphy!

They began to take guesses on how many kittens Kevin would have...

If you guessed four, you were right!

They're so tiny!

Their little family is so cute!

When the kittens are old enough, they will be microchipped and sent off to forever homes!

True love!

They're so small!!

What a CUTIE

Kevin had three boys and one girl!

And even Murphy the dog loves them!

I love this so much!

Lil babies!

These beauties are almost ready to go out in the world!

Isn't this a beautiful story? Do you have a similar one? Share it in the comments!
Oh, and don't worry, they have decided to keep Kevin!
To keep up with Kevin and the gang, follow their human Erin Breean on Instagram.