Woman Is Tired Of Her Loud Neighbor So She Decided To Take Matters Into Her Own Hands...With Positivity

This is how you resolve a problem.

  • Published in Funny
Woman Is Tired Of Her Loud Neighbor So She Decided To Take Matters Into Her Own Hands...With Positivity

We all want to live in a beautiful home, with plenty of peace and quiet and personal space. Unfortunately out here in reality, unless you live off the grid in the middle of the forest, it's very rare that you are going to get your absolute beautifully serene place of residence.

Theologian and writer Candice Benbow had this exact issue and thought that there should be a fun and positive way that she could deal with it without having to simply tell the neighbor to shut up. She decided to go very left of centre and write him a passionately worded letter that was accompanied by... a cake.

Read on here...

Candice Benbow

Candice Benbow

The letter in question.

The letter in question.

And here's what it said.

And here's what it said.

She left the cake and letter on the doorstep and that was it for a while.

She left the cake and letter on the doorstep and that was it for a while.

Valid explanation

Valid explanation

A kind gesture goes a long way!

A kind gesture goes a long way!

Then a plot twist!

Then a plot twist!

Turns out there was an explanation all along.

Turns out there was an explanation all along.

Best friends.

Best friends.

Then the tear jerking personal story begins.

Then the tear jerking personal story begins.

And the lesson.

And the lesson.