Husband Rushes To Bakery To Buy Cake His Pregnant Wife Craved, Buys Last One, Causing Young Girl To Have Tantrum Because She Also Wanted It
The mom and her daughter arrived at the bake shop after he ordered the last Swiss roll.
- Published in Interesting
A Redditor and his wife are expecting their first baby. One of OP's duties is to fulfill his pregnant wife's food cravings no matter what.
This mandate landed him in a tense encounter with a child and her mom over the remaining cake at a bake shop. OP got a message from his wife towards the end of his shift asking him to get her cake.
The bakery only had one Swiss roll left because it was already 6 PM. OP ordered the cake and then busied himself selecting a few other sweet breads to bring to his wife.
A mom and her daughter entered the store while OP was choosing. The girl saw the Swiss roll on the display case and said she wanted it.
She cried and screamed when the bakery staff wrapped the cake for OP. The kid's mom asked if he could leave the Swiss roll for her daughter.
OP declined and said he ordered it first. The mom was not ready to give up yet — she said OP didn't need to eat the cake and asked if he could change his mind for a kid.
When those didn't work, she just called OP selfish. She stopped trying to change OP's mind when the staff intervened and said OP was at their store long before she and her daughter arrived.
OP told his wife about the incident as soon as he got home. She said he was a bit of an a**hole for not giving way to a kid.
Unhappy-Tutor-4131His wife said she would have understood if he didn't have cake because he bought other sweet breads for her anyway. She said the mom would have been more understanding if OP disclosed the cake was for his pregnant wife.
Unhappy-Tutor-4131OP still felt guilty about it even after his wife reassured him it was okay, and that he could be more mindful should something similar happen again.
Unhappy-Tutor-4131The kid could grow up entitled if her mom continues to teach her that she deserves to get everything she wants.
Complex_Sundae2551, Unhappy-Tutor-4131OP shouldn't have to tell his life story to justify why he can't give up a cake he bought first for a kid.
1u53r3dd1tOP said that although he understood his wife's perspective, he wouldn't allow his kid to throw a tantrum to get what she wants or be rude to other parents who refused to spoil his kid.
Unhappy-Tutor-4131That mom should concentrate on teaching her kid what the word "No" means.
hausofmcKids need to be taught limitations and boundaries. They can't learn if their parents do not model the right behavior.
Pandorasbox1987OP's wife should reflect on the incident to determine the parenting no-nos before their little one arrives.
TextloverThe mom handled the situation poorly. She could have taught her daughter a valuable lesson instead of insulting OP.
laurasdiaryOP was not a selfish jerk for not giving up the cake to another customer. A kid is not more deserving of a sweet pastry than any other person.
The mom was wrong for berating OP instead of soothing her daughter before she had a meltdown. OP would be a good parent if he recognized the parenting mistakes in that interaction.