21 Funny Moments Of Kids Just Being Brutally Honest

"I would like to behave, but my body just won’t let me."

21 Funny Moments Of Kids Just Being Brutally Honest

Kids are just overflowing with honesty to the point that what they say stings. That's because they haven't quite learned the art of filtering their thoughts yet.

Unlike us grown-ups who sometimes dance around the truth, kids just let it all out! Sure, it can be a bit surprising at times, but you've got to appreciate their sincerity.

Their candidness makes them so uniquely charming, even if it does lead to some unexpected moments! And while parents strive to nurture honesty in their little ones, they definitely want to avoid those cringe-worthy moments, like when your child loudly comments on someone's appearance in a crowded grocery store line.

When you spend time with a kid, you'll immediately see the workings of their curious minds! If they notice something, you can bet they'll share it with you in the blink of an eye.

And if a thought pops into their head, well, they just can't resist sharing it with the world. It's all part of the joy of experiencing life through their unfiltered lens!

In today's post, we've compiled stories from online users who shared about kids' brutally honest commentary about their surroundings. Scroll down for some heartwarming and humorous anecdotes that are sure to bring a smile to your face!

He was just following the rules.

He was just following the rules.© Magaly Verdesoto / Facebook

That's just how kids are. They can't help it.

When my son misbehaves, I often say, “Stop it, dear, why don’t you behave?” and he will answer: “I would like to behave, but my body just won’t let me.”

That's just how kids are. They can't help it.© Gabriel Pineda / Facebook, dimaberlinphotos

Relationship interrogations.

We were on a bus with my 3-year-old daughter. A man got on and sat next to me.

Ivy: Mom, is that man your boyfriend?

K: No, he’s not my boyfriend.

Ivy: Then who is your boyfriend?

K: My boyfriend is your dad.

Ivy: No, my dad has another girlfriend, you’re not his girlfriend.

K: And who is that girlfriend?

Ivy: My Aunt Annie. Really, she’s his girlfriend. Oh, Mom, I’m always teasing you!

Annie is my twin sister.

Relationship interrogations.© Karito C. Vacalla Malaverry / Facebook, monkeybusinessimages

And that's how this kid stopped eating pork.

My son was 4 years old and learning to read. One day he was practicing with the story of The 3 Little Pigs.

When he finished, his father asked him: “What did you understand? What lesson does this fable teach us?

He answered: “That it is very difficult to eat pigs, I don’t think I will eat that anymore.”

And that's how this kid stopped eating pork.© Astrid Maritza Vega R / Facebook, L. Leslie Brooke - Library of Congress

"Were your textbooks written on scrolls, Auntie?"

One day, watching a historical movie where they used scrolls, my nephew asked me if that’s what my school books were like.

© Josefina Diez / Facebook, gettyimages

Kiddo's version of malicious compliance

Kiddo's version of malicious compliance© Rosa Paola / Facebook

Well, that's correct too!

Once, when my boy was 7 years old, the teacher asked a question in class. He raised his hand to answer, very happy and sure of his answer.

The question was, “Where does milk come from?” My child answered, “Oh, teacher! Well, from the refrigerator.”

I know this because the teacher told it to me while laughing.

Well, that's correct too!© Kenia Vazdo / Facebook, gettyimages

For this boy, the sea is just huge bathtub.

When my son was very young, we went to the beach one day, and when he had been in the water with his dad for a while, he asked, “Daddy, where’s the stopper?”

For this boy, the sea is just huge bathtub.© Conchi Torres Montero / Facebook, gettyimages

A reason not to get married.

One day, my youngest daughter was playing with her older sister and 2 of her cousins. They started talking about what they would do when they grew up.

I laughed a lot because they all said very convincingly: “I will get married and have a lot of children.” But my youngest daughter, very angrily, answered them: “And why should I get married? Don’t you see that when people get married other women come and steal their husbands? So I won’t even get married.”

A reason not to get married.© Yessica Torres / Facebook, studiocolombia

Another reason not to get married.

Another reason not to get married.© Dariana Quintero / Facebook


My daughter was telling me: “I am never going to get married so I can take care of you when you are old and no one will treat you badly.”

Listening to her made me cry. I have 4 boys and her.

She was the first one to get married. Today she laughs at her innocence. 

Awww...© Ínes Viéipra / Facebook, gritsivoleksandr

And they all had a good laugh.

And they all had a good laugh.© Noemi Souverville / Facebook

Future plans

My daughter said to me one day, “Mommy, when I grow up, I’m going to have 4 children. 2 I will give to you and 2 I will keep.”

Future plans© Gonzalez Silvia / Facebook, StockSnap via Pixabay

The richest key in a keyboard.

My 6-year-old daughter was looking at the computer keyboard and said to me, “Mom, do you know which key from the keyboard is the richest one?” And I said, “What do you mean, which one has the most money?”

And she said, “It’s the 4.” And I, all surprised, asked her: “Why?” And she answered: “Yes, look.” I looked at the keyboard and saw that the 4 had the $ sign at the top.

The richest key in a keyboard.© Loren Streber / Facebook, elenaphoto

Dental expert.

My niece, one day, saw a lady with her baby and scolded her. She told her that her baby’s teeth had fallen out because she didn’t brush them.

Dental expert.© Rosa Paola / Facebook, oksanashufrych

Toddler hunger on full display

I was at home and a friend came to visit me. My 3-year-old daughter started calling me because she wanted to eat.

I answered her: “I’ll serve you in a minute!” And, in front of my friend, she very kindly replied, “Are you going to starve me to death or what?” We could only laugh.

Toddler hunger on full display© Deisy Hinestroza / Facebook, corelens

That's one way of making a child hate beets more.

When I was a child, I was very weak and small. My mother wanted to make me eat beets and told me: “Eat, so you will be pretty like your aunt Cata.”

To which I answered: “That big and fat? Noooooo!” and I ran away. I was 6 years old.

That's one way of making a child hate beets more.© Susana Carolina Herrera Salinas / Facebook, gettyimages

"Thanks for your concern!"

One day we went to see an electrician, but he was busy. They made us go to the waiting room, where there were some chairs.

My mother, the man’s daughter, who was about 5 years old, and I were there. My mother was a little chubby, so we saw the chairs and we were going to sit down.

The little girl shouted: “Noooooo!” We were surprised, we thought they were broken or something and that’s why she didn’t want us to sit down, but then she told my mom: “You don’t sit down, you’re going to break the chair.”

To tell you the truth, we froze. After that, it was all laughter.

© Mary Michel / Facebook, gettyimagespro

When your new baby brother's delivery feels more like a drive-thru than a labor of love.

My oldest son was 6 years old when his brother was born. He accompanied my husband to pick me up.

When I came out of the hospital and he saw me, he was very surprised, touched my stomach, still swollen, and asked his dad in amazement, “Didn’t they take my little brother out already?”

When your new baby brother's delivery feels more like a drive-thru than a labor of love.© LP Guzmán / Facebook, StockSnap via Pixabay

Planning way, way ahead.

My 6-year-old son told us that when he grows up he is going to leave his children in charge of us so he can go to the circus.

Planning way, way ahead.© Yezlhy Arnold / Facebook, gettyimages

When your nephew's idea of a snack involves grandma's 'eggs'... but not the kind you crack open!

When one of my nephews was 5 years old, he approached my mom with an empty pill bottle and asked her, "Grandma, do you have eggs?" And my mom said yes (thinking the child was hungry and wanted some scrambled eggs), and the child replied, "Then can you open this jar for me?"

When your nephew's idea of a snack involves grandma's 'eggs'... but not the kind you crack open!© Pinchi Fati / Facebook, Towfiqu barbhuiya via Pexels

Teaching kids the art of tactful communication can be quite the challenge (let's be real, even some adults struggle with it!), but there are ways to gently guide them towards understanding social nuances. Planting those seeds of consideration and kindness early on will allow them to navigate the world with grace and respect for others.
