This Bride Didn't Have Girlfriends So Her Bros Filled In And The Results Are EPIC

Friendship comes in many forms!

This Bride Didn't Have Girlfriends So Her Bros Filled In And The Results Are EPIC

Your wedding day is usually one of the most special days you'll ever have and many individuals spend a great portion of their life day dreaming about what their big day will look like in the future. When the time finally comes to plan out your big, special wedding day a lot of ideas go out the window and a lot of amazing experiences (and uh, frustrating ones, too!) take its place.

For 24 year-old Brazilian bride, Rebecca the iconic, classic idea of bridesmaids and a bridal photo shoot went out the window when the bride-to-be and professional computer engineer realized she didn't have any girlfriends to be her bridesmaids. However, her ingenuity didn't halt her and she invited her bros instead. Her bros became her bridesmaids and the resulting photos-shoot is one of the most amazing things we've ever seen.

Recently, Rebecca told Bored Panda how she came to such a fantastic idea:

I came up with the idea one week before the wedding. I was looking into some “making of” pictures of brides with their gang of girls, all in robes, laughing, drinking champagne and all, and I got a bit sad because I wouldn’t be able to do anything like that.
The photo-shoot was super fun. Everyone was taking shots of cheap booze and sometimes we were laughing so much that we had to take some time to recover and go on with the photos.

For most women their bridesmaids are their high school or college friends but since Rebecca was only one of four women in her 60 student-filled computer engineering class she established life-long friendships with more men than women and since sharing her photo-shoot on Facebook the images went viral. It's no surprise they did just that since they're absolutely hysterical and fun. She said:

I am very happy with the photos. Sometimes I look at then and find myself laughing like crazy. But I never imagined this would become so viral!

1. Getting ready in style.

We especially adore the pink robes the bros are wearing.1. Getting ready in style.Fernando Doduque Fotografia

2. Cucumbers are good for the eyes!

...For girls and guys!2. Cucumbers are good for the eyes!Fernando Doduque Fotografia

3. Liquor, Robes, and Smiles

The only things a bridal shoot really needs, after all.3. Liquor, Robes, and SmilesFernando Doduque Fotografia

4. Some of us put on lip gloss...

But the rest of us... uh, shave.4. Some of us put on lip gloss...Fernando Doduque Fotografia

5. ...Let me get that for ya!

Only a true bro would do this.5. ...Let me get that for ya!Fernando Doduque Fotografia

6. Gushing over the gown!

It's not just for bridesmaids anymore.6. Gushing over the gown!Fernando Doduque Fotografia

7. Silky Smooth

Okay, I lied, everyone gets to shave this time.7. Silky SmoothFernando Doduque Fotografia

8. Gussy Up the Bride

Anything she needs, her bros got her.8. Gussy Up the BrideFernando Doduque Fotografia

9. Shots, shots, shots!

Better than mimosas!9. Shots, shots, shots!Fernando Doduque Fotografia

10. "I've got your back" took on a new meaning...

But there are few things in life as great as a bunch of dudes in satin pink robes grabbing each other's rumps.10. Fernando Doduque Fotografia

11. Kisses!

She's one lucky bride, isn't she?11. Kisses!Fernando Doduque Fotografia

Women have it tough at weddings. Whether they're the bride or simply a bride's guest. This woman was bullied over a dress that she wore to a wedding. Sad!
