25 Bridezillas Who Seriously Need A Reality Slap On Their Faces

When you become a bride, don't be like these women... because, yikes.

25 Bridezillas Who Seriously Need A Reality Slap On Their Faces

Bridezillas have been around for a long time, and people are still wondering why they are the worse. Some say it’s because they are beyond stressed out and that’s when their true colors come out.

Others say that it’s simply because they are entitled and think that the world revolves around them. No matter what the reason is, bridezillas can be a real pain to deal with.

For starters, they can be really demanding. They often expect everyone around them to do everything exactly the way they want it.

If things don’t go their way, they can get really angry and start making a scene. They can also be really insensitive. They may not care if they are hurting other people’s feelings or not.

So, why are bridezillas the worse? It’s because they can be really demanding, insensitive, and controlling.

They often make a scene if things don’t go their way and they can be a real pain to deal with. If you have to deal with one, be prepared for the worst!

And if you're the one getting married, we hope you're not going to be one. Otherwise, the internet might ridicule you just like these bridezillas we're looking at today.

Don't be like this bridezilla who asks her friend to cover her tattoos and change her hair to match the wedding theme.

Don't be like this bridezilla who asks her friend to cover her tattoos and change her hair to match the wedding theme.

The friend was going to meet her halfway.

The friend was going to meet her halfway.

You'd rather not attend a wedding with a bridezilla like this.

You'd rather not attend a wedding with a bridezilla like this.



This bridezilla is enraged because one bridesmaid dyed her hair ONE YEAR before her wedding.

This bridezilla is enraged because one bridesmaid dyed her hair ONE YEAR before her wedding.

Don't demand gifts like how this thick-skinned bridezilla did.

Don't demand gifts like how this thick-skinned bridezilla did.

Imagine being invited to a wedding, but you're required to pay $75 per plate.

Imagine being invited to a wedding, but you're required to pay $75 per plate.

Makes your eyebrow raise.

Makes your eyebrow raise.

And now she wants to get a high-quality photography package at a cheaper price. Go ask someone else, lady!

And now she wants to get a high-quality photography package at a cheaper price. Go ask someone else, lady!

Wearing a jacket during the summer? Just for a wedding?

That's ridiculous! Don't attend this bridezilla's wedding.

Wearing a jacket during the summer? Just for a wedding?

Bridezilla wants guests to donate $1,500, each.

Read the comments. We're pretty sure you'll agree.

Bridezilla wants guests to donate $1,500, each.

Your debt isn't your guests' business.

Your debt isn't your guests' business.

The nerve of this bridezilla to make her photographer pay for her wedding photos.

The nerve of this bridezilla to make her photographer pay for her wedding photos.

Woman gets invited to be the bridesmaid for the wrong reason.

Woman gets invited to be the bridesmaid for the wrong reason.

If an influencer is a bridezilla, this happens.

If an influencer is a bridezilla, this happens.

Why would people give this married couple gifts if they're not invited in the first place?

Why would people give this married couple gifts if they're not invited in the first place?

Another thick-skinned bridezilla asking for free services. She wants free makeup.

Another thick-skinned bridezilla asking for free services. She wants free makeup.

This couple want their money back in case they get divorced.

This couple want their money back in case they get divorced.



"We know you're not coming, but would you still gift us some cash?"

Nope, people don't owe you anything.

Nope, people don't owe you anything.

An improper way of using namaste.

An improper way of using namaste.

Married couple lied and didn't want to pay the photographer's fee

Married couple lied and didn't want to pay the photographer's fee

Rule number 8 says it all.

Rule number 8 says it all.

She deserves those clapbacks

She deserves those clapbacks

Her bridesmaid's weight is not her business.

Her bridesmaid's weight is not her business.

She's doing her friend a favor by uninviting her.

She's doing her friend a favor by uninviting her.

Bridezilla uninvites a guest.

The reason? The friend refused to make Disney centerpieces within a week for free.

Bridezilla uninvites a guest.

It's the bride who doesn't understand.

It's the bride who doesn't understand.

It's better to get uninvited that do an unreasonable request.

It's better to get uninvited that do an unreasonable request.

An entitled guest.

An entitled guest.

She even wants to take her young ones to a place where people will get drunk.

She even wants to take her young ones to a place where people will get drunk.

Being a bride doesn't excuse you from paying what you need to pay for.

Being a bride doesn't excuse you from paying what you need to pay for.

Unfriend this friend now!

Unfriend this friend now!

Babysit in exchange for a wedding invite? No thanks!

Babysit in exchange for a wedding invite? No thanks!

These women need to realize that being a bride doesn't give them extra benefits.

Being the bride doesn't entitle them to boss people around, make ridiculous demands, or demean their friends and family and it doesn't mean that they can be rude to vendors and professionals in the wedding industry either. So, if you suddenly realize you're being a bridezilla, take a step back and realize how your behavior is affecting those around you.
