40 Tweets About Brendan Fraser Going Viral For Simply Being About Brendan Fraser

Brendan Fraser is trending on Twitter just for existing as an amazing human

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40 Tweets About Brendan Fraser Going Viral For Simply Being About Brendan Fraser

Usually, when a celebrity starts trending on Twitter, it is usually because they sadly passed away, or did something obscenely stupid or terrible, and sometimes just because their new movie is coming out soon. So when Brendan Fraser started trending, hearts skipped a beat.

However, Brendan Fraser wasn’t trending for any of the reasons listed above. He was trending because of a simple, wholesome reason: people love Brendan Fraser.

Folks on the internet and fans of all caliber jumped on the bandwagon to take a moment to fully appreciate how amazing Brendan Fraser is. While we’re thinking about it, go ahead and take a second, and reflect on how wonderful he is.

Fraser was a popular actor in the ‘90s, many considered him during this time as the epitome and inspiration of a himbo. Unfortunately, after a series of physical and emotional blows, he fell out of the spotlight and took a sudden hiatus from his profession.

Mostly known for his role in The Mummy trilogy, he has starred in dozens of other movies, including Encino Man, The Quiet American, Crash, and George Of The Jungle. He’s also provided voice-over work and appeared in minor television roles, such as the heartbreaking character of Ben Sullivan on Scrubs.

While some Twitter users didn’t really seem to have a favorite role played by Brendan Fraser, they were still so pleased to see him rising in the trends. One of the users jokingly imagined how his publicist would tell him about the wholesome outpour of unconditional love his fans have for him, making him a trending topic on Twitter, and it’s pretty spot on.

And since Keanu Reeves has blessed everyone with John Wick AND The Matrix, we all deserve Fraser’s return to The Mummy. However, back in reality, Fraser has been back in the acting world, with one of his most recent works being Robotman, aka Cliff Steele, in Doom Patrol.

Keep scrolling to find out more about Fraser’s current work, and to see what people had to say while he trended!

1. The OG Himbo

1. The OG HimboTheFirstOkiro

2. That movie was...something

2. That movie was...somethingtoonfully

3. Many people agree

3. Many people agreeGennefer

4. Not controversial here, just facts

4. Not controversial here, just factscheapjumpscare

5. Truly, outside his comedic career, he is a very talented actor

5. Truly, outside his comedic career, he is a very talented actorGennHutchison

6. G-O-O-D.

6. G-O-O-D.HeelPwain

7. We just love him so much 😭

7. We just love him so much 😭chelsea_burnham

Currently, Brendan Fraser is working on a major project with the director of Black Swan, Darren Aronofsky, called “The Whale.” Though we all know and love Fraser for more light-hearted comedy-adventure roles, fans shouldn’t expect anything close to that for this upcoming film.

Aronofsky is well known for this dark, melodramatic, and disturbing films, and “The Whale” is no different. Fraser will be playing a reclusive, suicidal teacher suffering from severe obesity.


9. Definitely worth checking out!

9. Definitely worth checking out!mjhegar

10. Sorry Seb, Fraser would've been a shoe-in

10. Sorry Seb, Fraser would've been a shoe-inSkeletonCrimes


11. CLIFF STEELE!MimiGraceBooks

12. "Look what I got! Ooh!"

12. LorenzoTheCat

13. Great, and accurate, point

13. Great, and accurate, pointbinghamb96

14. He is REALLY awesome, though

14. He is REALLY awesome, thoughsteveagee

15. He did his own stunts!

15. He did his own stunts!KyleGallner

16. Good list is good

16. Good list is goodMegatronnexus

17. "I was in the Mummy" 🤣

17. 5tevieM

8. ALL the respect

8. ALL the respectDim_plz

18. He really is phenomenal in general

18. He really is phenomenal in generalkazbaa

19. Such a beautiful AND handsome face

19. Such a beautiful AND handsome facenerdist

20. All we want is for Brendan Fraser to be happy

20. All we want is for Brendan Fraser to be happyOneTopicAtATime

21. *HONK*

21. *HONK*Fossclot giphy

22. Aw, they're both so lucky!

22. Aw, they're both so lucky!HistoryMuppet

23. An impactful actor

23. An impactful actorbaddestmamajama

24. His entire repertoire is great

24. His entire repertoire is greatJSComicArt

25. A total and complete package

25. A total and complete packageCharlotte_Stein

26. No one can change our minds

26. No one can change our mindsnanayasleeps

28. Ben Sullivan made me WEEP

28. Ben Sullivan made me WEEPGRtist

29. Everyone appreciates you, Brendan

29. Everyone appreciates you, BrendanRainbowJedi91

30. He deserves every good thing to happen to him

30. He deserves every good thing to happen to himjaydee_ell

31. Note to self: re-watch George Of The Jungle

31. Note to self: re-watch George Of The Jungleraehasasword

32. Brendan Fraser movie-marathon, anybody?

32. Brendan Fraser movie-marathon, anybody?gunsnmoses3

33. Seriously, he was in THREE episodes and in that time created a character you loved to love

33. Seriously, he was in THREE episodes and in that time created a character you loved to lovestevenspohn

34. The best news to give someone: everyone loves you

34. The best news to give someone: everyone loves youmadlori

35. Woof, that smolder

35. Woof, that smolderRdotSpoon giphy

36. Patron Saint of Himbo Culture

36. Patron Saint of Himbo Cultureellle_em

37. I hope from now on he has the best days

37. I hope from now on he has the best daysZyBurton83

38. Hubba hubba

38. Hubba hubbaLulamaybelle giphy

39. The hair. The lips. The look.

39. The hair. The lips. The look.AskMattPlowman giphy

40. Happily living rent-free in my head

40. Happily living rent-free in my headVictoriaAveyard

27. The end

27. The endKillerCritics

No matter what the actor is currently working on, fans across the spectrum are just happy to be living in the same timeline as Brendan Fraser and enjoying his work as it happens. Let us know in the comments what your favorite Brendan Fraser role was, and be sure to share this with your fellow Fraser-lovers!
