These Mix Breed Dogs Will Make You Overdose On Cuteness

There are two types of people in the world, dog lovers, and those who are wrong.

  • Published in Animals
These Mix Breed Dogs Will Make You Overdose On Cuteness

Deciding to get a new dog is a wonderfully exciting time, but with so many choices at hand, it is often hard to determine which dog breed to go for. Do you go for a pure breed and risk the inherent health problems, or do you go for a bitsa, who has all the love and loyalty of any dog, but may not look as cute as a pure breed.

Thankfully the puppers below show us you can have the best of both worlds, being a mix means they avoid a lot of health problems, but they are still 100% adorable, have a look below and see if you can find your next puppy.

Dachi (Dachshund + Chihuahua)

Dachi (Dachshund + Chihuahua)

Beagi (Beagle + Corgi)

Beagi (Beagle + Corgi)

Bullpug (French Bulldog + Pug)

Bullpug (French Bulldog + Pug)

Huskiever (Husky + Golden Retriever)

Huskiever (Husky + Golden Retriever)

Sheppug (German Shepherd + Pug)

Sheppug (German Shepherd + Pug)

Golden Dachshund (Golden Retriever + Dachshund)

Golden Dachshund (Golden Retriever + Dachshund)

Poodlelier (Poodle + Wheaten Terrier)

Poodlelier (Poodle + Wheaten Terrier)

Spitzky (Spitz + Husky)

Spitzky (Spitz + Husky)

Shepspitz (Australian Shepherd + German Spitz)

Shepspitz (Australian Shepherd + German Spitz)

Husgi (Husky + Corgi)

Husgi (Husky + Corgi)

Chiphalène (Chihuahua + Phalène)

Chiphalène (Chihuahua + Phalène)

Shepherd-Chow (German Shepherd + Chow-Chow)

Shepherd-Chow (German Shepherd + Chow-Chow)

Pugsua (Pug + Chihuahua)

Pugsua (Pug + Chihuahua)