Boyfriend Recklessly Endangers His Girlfriend's Cat's Life Because Of His New Dog

"She has an irrational fear my dog will attack her cat."

Boyfriend Recklessly Endangers His Girlfriend's Cat's Life Because Of His New Dog

Living with your boyfriend/girlfriend has so many advantages, but it also involves some boundaries, and the most important thing is to respect them. Every one of us has our own habits and different methods of performing certain things, so the partner's role is to esteem that as well as the person they live with.

Compromise and patience are the characteristics of a fine, trusting relationship. If someone breaks it, it's really hard to get over it and forgive.

Yet, some people forget about their partner's wishes and do what they think is correct. Like this Reddit user, u/chinavirus2, who shared his story online looking for an objective opinion.

He has been living with his girlfriend for several years, and she has a cat. Recently, he decided to get a dog and expand their little family.

While it was a beautiful idea, his girlfriend was scared that his dog could attack her cat, so she started to lock her in the room. It wasn't the best option for the cat, but from his girlfriend's point of view, it was the safest one.

Redditor believed that the cat was in distress for being locked in the room, so he decided to let her out without even asking his girlfriend for permission. Finding out what he had done made his girlfriend furious, and she asked him to move out.

Take a look at the whole story below.

The original question:

The original question:reddit

He recently got a dog, but his girlfriend is afraid that the dog might attack the cat, so she keeps the cat locked in her room:

He recently got a dog, but his girlfriend is afraid that the dog might attack the cat, so she keeps the cat locked in her room:reddit

But the OP thought the cat was desperate because of being locked in the room,

But the OP thought the cat was desperate because of being locked in the room,reddit

so he let her out neglecting his girlfriend's suspicions:

so he let her out neglecting his girlfriend's suspicions:reddit



"YTA. Seems like you didn't consult with your girlfriend before getting a new pet."


"It also takes time to introduce animals."


It was not his decision to make

It was not his decision to makereddit

His girlfriend's fear is rational

His girlfriend's fear is rationalreddit

"Smartest man in the room over here"


"Says every pit bull owner until..."


Maybe she is right...

Maybe she is right...reddit

One Redditor was curious if they had agreed to get a dog:

One Redditor was curious if they had agreed to get a dog:reddit

"YTA because you have no right to put her cat in danger"


They should have talked before he got the dog

They should have talked before he got the dogreddit

"I really don't think that keeping her cat in a safe room whilst a potential threat is in the home, is abusing it."


"I really can't imagine just springing a decision like this on someone you live with!"


"She’s just trying to protect her cat from a potential attack"


Redditors were pretty agreed about what OP did. Almost every comment pointed to him that his act was wrong and he didn't have the right to put someone's else pet in potential danger.

Especially after his girlfriend explained her worries to him. This might not be the answer he was looking for, but it could change his point of view and the way he looks at this happening.
