These Adorable Comics About The Friendship Between A Dog And A Baby Are Too Easy To Relate To

Friendship that lasts a lifetime

  • Published in Animals
These Adorable Comics About The Friendship Between A Dog And A Baby Are Too Easy To Relate To

Nate Anderson has been drawing comics since his freshman year in college, where his first series "Quackyboys," was Anderson's way of telling the hilarious tales of him and his college roommates. The comic quickly faded away into irrelevance but Anderson's life continued to transform and so he continued onto new comic adventures depicting his life shenanigans and celebrations. Specifically, with the birth of his first son, Rowan, Anderson found a seemingly endless source of creative inspiration and began his comic series "Boy and Dog."

In an interview with Bored Panda, Nate said:

My life was changed by this wiggly, squishy boy that filled my home with laughter and poop. The animals didn't know what to think of him at first, but my Golden Retriever, Murphy, decided that he was pretty cool. Rowan loves the dog and would squeal with delight whenever Murphy was around him. I started to draw the comics to show what I imagined in my head was transpiring between them.

The self-taught and self-proclaimed "Disney nerd" says that he likes making people happy but he's not very good at face to face communication so his comics give him "the ability to tell funny stories and make people laugh with silly gags."

Check out some of Boy and Dog's latest adventures here, you're going to "ooh and ahh" in between giggles and rolling laughter.

At least 25% of fatherhood is reliving one's own childhood.

This is most frequently noticed with toys.

At least 25% of fatherhood is reliving one's own childhood.Boy And Dog Comic

Mutually Beneficial Relationship

One gets the hits, one gets the licks.

Mutually Beneficial RelationshipBoy And Dog Comic

Gentle all day, wild all night.

Such is a dog's life.

Gentle all day, wild all night.Boy And Dog Comic

A proper demonstration.

To be fair, when it comes to kids... everything goes down the stairs.

A proper demonstration.Boy And Dog Comic


A big dog will tumble a toddler, it's a good thing they love each other so much.

Realistic.Boy And Dog Comic

The power of teamwork.

There are few things in life that toddlers hate as much as hats, just so you know.

The power of teamwork.Boy And Dog Comic

Happy Birthday!

Dog is happy. Baby is happy. Everyone is happy!

Happy Birthday!Boy And Dog Comic

Ready for the good stuff.

The process of growing the teeth is much less fun than realizing you have the teeth.

Ready for the good stuff.Boy And Dog Comic


Murphy probably wasn't wrong. It was probably both baby brother and tacos.

Confusing?Boy And Dog Comic

Mistakes were made.

Forgiveness is an important lesson between boy and dog.

Mistakes were made.Boy And Dog Comic

Adventures foiled before they even began.

I'm sure they'll have a great day regardless, though.

Adventures foiled before they even began.Boy And Dog Comic

Mom's worst nightmare.

This is the kind of teamwork parents don't want to see.

Mom's worst nightmare.Boy And Dog Comic

Spinning is a universal language.

Dogs and babies just do it for different reasons.

Spinning is a universal language.Boy And Dog Comic


Babies love kisses to feel all better but doggos... not so much.

Perspectives.Boy And Dog Comic

When car is life.

Everything is car.

When car is life.Boy And Dog Comic

Oh my!

Baby looks on, wondering what his "vet" visit will be like next time.

Oh my!Boy And Dog Comic

Logical but...

In a good scientific experiment the results can be replicated.

Logical but...Boy And Dog Comic

Ah, the old fashioned baby prison.

Murphy shall keep a watchful eye.

Ah, the old fashioned baby prison.Boy And Dog Comic

Multi-purpose friendship.

Any parent who also has a dog in the house can confirm this is how 90-98% of meals end up at some point.

Multi-purpose friendship.Boy And Dog Comic

Never underestimate the strength of a dog's tail.

They are catastrophic sometimes.

Never underestimate the strength of a dog's tail.Boy And Dog Comic

Friendship goals.

Who doesn't want a friend that can give you beard assistance?

Friendship goals.Boy And Dog Comic

Ketchup is life.

Trust me, kids love the dipping and the licking but not so much the eating.

Ketchup is life.Boy And Dog Comic

Sharing is caring?

Not all snacks want to be shared.

Sharing is caring?Boy And Dog Comic

Solid Advice

You know what? Murphy is right.

Solid AdviceBoy And Dog Comic


Everyone deserves a doggo that is happy about their accomplishments.

Ta-Da!Boy And Dog Comic

A calm dog is a drugged dog.

Facts of life.

A calm dog is a drugged dog.Boy And Dog Comic


Dogs love when the tiny humans get mobile.

Celebrations!Boy And Dog Comic

Every parent knows this struggle.

It's just so much fun to throw and drop things, especially when you get to watch mom and dad pick it up over and over again!

Every parent knows this struggle.Boy And Dog Comic

Nap time: OVER

Playtime is NOW.

Nap time: OVERBoy And Dog Comic


The good life occurs in small moments of happiness such as these.

Discoveries.Boy And Dog Comic