Boy Accidentally Ran Over Neighbor's Pet Chicken, Then Takes It To The Hospital By Himself In An Attempt To Save It

What a sweet little guy. He ran with the chick all by himself to the hospital and asked the staff to save it

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Boy Accidentally Ran Over Neighbor's Pet Chicken, Then Takes It To The Hospital By Himself In An Attempt To Save It

Is there anything purer than the heart of a child? I think not, and the below story is the perfect example of why.

Six-year-old, Derek Lachhanhima, from Mizoram in India was riding his bike one day when he accidentally ran over his neighbor's baby chicken.

Derek was so upset and felt so bad that he begged his family to take the little chick to the hospital. Unfortunately, the chick had already died, so his family refused.

But Derek didn't give up! He ran with the chick all by himself to the hospital and asked the staff to save it. He handed over all the money he had on him - 10 rupees (or the equivalent of about 14 US cents)!

One of the nurses took a photo of the little boy and a family friend named Sanga posted it to Facebook. It has since been shared more than 90,000 times.

One of the nurses took a photo of the little boy and a family friend named Sanga posted it to Facebook. It has since been shared more than 90,000 times.

“I’m laughing and crying all at the same time,” Sanga wrote in the caption.

“He did it out of the innocence of his heart,” Derek’s mother, Lalnunpuii, told reporters.

Although the hospital couldn't do anything to help the chicken, Derek was honored by his school for his beautiful act of kindness.

“When he first came to us, we just laughed, never expecting it to become national news or that people will appreciate his action so much,” Lalnunpuii said.

What a beautiful reminder of innocence, kindness and hope in an often cruel world!
