Man Refuses To Board His Dog For Thanksgiving Because His Family Members Wanted To Stay At His Cabin

"He is just a dog and family is more important"

Man Refuses To Board His Dog For Thanksgiving Because His Family Members Wanted To Stay At His Cabin

Thanksgiving is traditionally observed in order to express gratitude for a bountiful harvest. Also, it is traditionally marked by a large meal that is enjoyed by family and friends.

Thanksgiving dinners traditionally feature a lot of dishes, like a whole lot, including turkeys, potatoes, cranberry sauce, gravy, seasonal vegetable side dishes, and so much more. So much goes into Thanksgiving that families come from far and wide just to celebrate it together. 

The AITA story for today features Thanksgiving, but with a slight twist to it. Now the OP lives in a cabin left for him by his grandfather, and there are three unoccupied bedrooms.

Some of the OP’s family members were coming for Thanksgiving and wanted to stay at the OP’s cabin, which was fine by him except… they wanted him to board his dog. I don’t need to go into details about what dogs mean to their owners, as you all already know, especially if you have a pet.

The dog in question is a "2 year old Doberman pincher that is super sweet and just loves to snuggle with anyone that he meets." Apparently, the OP’s family were of the opinion that the dog "was going to grow up aggressive and not be good around kids," but that wasn’t the case.

Find out what later happened as you read the full story below.


He's a huge baby and not aggressive at all

He's a huge baby and not aggressive at allLow-Cover-5

My aunt and uncle want to stay in the cabin

My aunt and uncle want to stay in the cabinLow-Cover-5

I offered to pay a few nights

I offered to pay a few nightsLow-Cover-5

The Reddit thread got more than a thousand comments and Redditors were of the opinion that the OP was right. Here are some of the topmost comments below.

1. They are welcome to book a hotel

1. They are welcome to book a hotelReddit

2. There's a reason why...

2. There's a reason why...Reddit

3. You gave a reasonable compromise

3. You gave a reasonable compromiseReddit

4. Your offer to pay was generous

4. Your offer to pay was generousReddit

5. Family does not triumph anything

5. Family does not triumph anythingReddit

6. Your family don't think of you as the owner

6. Your family don't think of you as the ownerReddit

7. Why do certain dog breeds get bad reputations?

7. Why do certain dog breeds get bad reputations?Reddit

8. Pets are considered pets to their owners

8. Pets are considered pets to their ownersReddit

9. This Redditor is ready for a dog play date

9. This Redditor is ready for a dog play dateReddit

10. That you don't like a dog doesn't mean you can dictate what happens

10. That you don't like a dog doesn't mean you can dictate what happensReddit

11. That is you and your dog's home

11. That is you and your dog's homeReddit

12. She has learned to sit for petting

12. She has learned to sit for pettingReddit

13. Some dogs just get a bad reputation

13. Some dogs just get a bad reputationReddit

14. Your family doesn't like your dog in general

14. Your family doesn't like your dog in generalReddit

15. They can suck it up and deal with it

15. They can suck it up and deal with itReddit

16. You don't expect people to remove a pet from their own home

16. You don't expect people to remove a pet from their own homeReddit

17. They are coming into your dog's home

17. They are coming into your dog's homeReddit

18. Do not offer to pay for a hotel

18. Do not offer to pay for a hotelReddit

19. Being there because you're part of the family

19. Being there because you're part of the familyReddit

20. Leave them scrambling for rooms

20. Leave them scrambling for roomsReddit

Some things are not just understandable. You can't just up and dictate what someone should do with their dog just because you're coming over.

Redditors made it clear that the OP was not the @**hole in this story so let us know what you think too by leaving a comment below.
