This Woman Setup A Photobooth For Birds In Her Backyard And The Results Are Beautiful
The birds make for great models

Birds are some of the more fascinating creatures on this Earth. We are separated from them like we are separated from the fish in the sea, because the environment they operate in is out of the bounds of possibility for us.
This makes them all the more mysterious and interesting. One lady thought this exact thing, and decided she wanted to get a greater insight into the mysterious world of the birds.
Ostdrossel ,as she goes on social media, set up an ingenious little combination of a bird feeder, sensors and a tiny camera so that when the birds approached to take the food they camera would take a discreet photo. The birds would never even know what had happened and the results were incredible!
Mating call

Look at all my rocks

Meet my friend, Moth

Having a chat

True love

What you looking at?

Blue steel

I am the biggest bird around here

In and out


Say it to my face!

I swear there's room on here for both of us

Good luck


Is this how we do this?

Take flight



Look at my shiny rock

Speed of light

Wise old bird

Fierce young bird


I'm unsure if this is edible...



That's a majestic looking bird
