Dogs Behind “Beware Of The Dog” Signs Are Dangerously Adorable
Usually, when you see a "Beware of the Dog" sign, it means just that - beware of the dog! But, sometimes, the dogs in question are no scarier than a teeny, tiny kitten

Okay, so we all know that dogs have the potential to be dangerous. I mean, there is a reason we often call them "guard dogs" after all.
Dogs are incredibly loyal and extremely protective of their homes and their owners. That's one of the reasons we love dogs so much, right?
Seriously though, most dogs are far from vicious. The majority of the time, dogs, pups, and puppies are just big, floofy balls of love.That's why the below pics are so darn funny!
Usually, when you see a "Beware of the Dog" sign, it means just that - beware of the dog! But, sometimes, the dogs in question are no scarier than a teeny, tiny kitten!
Scroll down to take a look at what we mean.
#1 Seriously... beware!

#2 He'll kill you with cuteness


#4 Shady AF




#8 Ummm


#10 Oh, hey!






#16 They ain't playin'





#21 Hey hooman!





#26 Okay, he looks mad...

#27 Hmmm




#31 Awww



#34 Wait... what?




#38 The cat is vicious too!






#44 We are not amused



#47 Get back here human!