Small Town Drama - Man Kicks Maid Of Honor Out Of The Wedding For Thrashing His Mom Over Stealing Her BF

Only people who have experienced it can truly comprehend the depth of this confusion

Small Town Drama - Man Kicks Maid Of Honor Out Of The Wedding For Thrashing His Mom Over Stealing Her BF

When people hear wedding drama, they frequently picture a picky bride who can't decide between an orchid and a lily. Or a bride who can't sleep because she can't decide whether her bridesmaids should wear pink or dusty rose dresses.

Or a groom who is ambivalent, demanding, or obsessional. On the surface, wedding drama may appear to be this, but in reality, it is never like that.

Only people who have experienced it can truly comprehend the depth of this confusion. However, the main focus of wedding drama is on how your relationships with those who matter most—you, your fiance, your families, and your friends—are altering.

The OP in today's story got married to the love of his life, Amanda, though he has never liked Amanda's best friend, "Jessie," as he thinks she is too pushy and somewhat of a bully. Jessie was the maid of honor during the OP's wedding, but she had a problem with the OP's mom.

Apparently, the OP's mom "stole" the guy Jessie was supposedly in love with, though he is not in love with her back. The guy in question has told Jessie to leave him alone, but it appears she's still hung up on that, as she was calling the OP's mom a bitch and a whore, and that didn't sit well with him.

Keep scrolling to read the entire story in full.

The OP writes:

The OP writes:u/Mediocre_Traffic1372

The OP reduced contact because his mother isn't very welcoming and can be somewhat rude

The OP reduced contact because his mother isn't very welcoming and can be somewhat rudeu/Mediocre_Traffic1372

It was not white but a pale blue, and as far as I know the only rule is no white

It was not white but a pale blue, and as far as I know the only rule is no whiteu/Mediocre_Traffic1372

I said I would like Jessie to leave but won't push it

I said I would like Jessie to leave but won't push itu/Mediocre_Traffic1372

Here are some of the top comments by redditors for you to read through below

Here are some of the top comments by redditors for you to read through belowReddit

Jessie thinks she's found the perfect excuse

Jessie thinks she's found the perfect excuseReddit

You didn't annul immediately?

You didn't annul immediately?Reddit

You are prioritizing your fiancee over your family

You are prioritizing your fiancee over your familyReddit

You shouldn't have to deal with Jessie

You shouldn't have to deal with JessieReddit

It is your wedding too

It is your wedding tooReddit

She's supposed to be there to support your wife

She's supposed to be there to support your wifeReddit

Your wife's friend is a real gem

Your wife's friend is a real gemReddit

She is ok with the current relationship

She is ok with the current relationshipReddit

They're going to have an influence on them

They're going to have an influence on themReddit

Your mom is kinda insufferable as well

Your mom is kinda insufferable as wellReddit

Prioritize couple counseling immediately

Prioritize couple counseling immediatelyReddit

Her friend ruined her wedding more than you

Her friend ruined her wedding more than youReddit

Jessie was being hateful and out of line

Jessie was being hateful and out of lineReddit

It's sounds like your wife might be the real problem

It's sounds like your wife might be the real problemReddit

You need to have a serious conversation with your wife

You need to have a serious conversation with your wifeReddit

Birds if a feather flock together

Birds if a feather flock togetherReddit

What this redditor wouldn't want

What this redditor wouldn't wantReddit

Enjoy your marriage while you can

Enjoy your marriage while you canReddit

You were not ruining the wedding

You were not ruining the weddingReddit

When you become engaged, you are abruptly forced into a cycle of change that is both challenging and joyful. We frequently forget that weddings usually signify change and change is never easy, even when we genuinely want it.

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