30 Of The All-Time Funniest Responses To Internet Questions

If you're going to ask the internet a question... be prepared for some really snappy answers

  • Published in Funny
30 Of The All-Time Funniest Responses To Internet Questions

Thirty years ago, people used to write into magazines or newspapers with questions they had! Yes, you read that correctly.

They'd write a letter, put it in an envelope, drive to the post office, mail the letter, then wait weeks/months to see if their question would be published and if 'Agony Aunt' or similar, would help them with their problems.

Nowadays, people have the ability to do this INSTANTLY. AskReddit is becoming an increasingly popular way to get fast answers for any questions you may have.

Below, we have compiled the best and funniest responses to some of AskReddits best questions.

1. Makes sense...

1. Makes sense...Ask Reddit

2. This feels like a personal attack, honestly.

2. This feels like a personal attack, honestly.Ask Reddit

3. LOL

3. LOLAsk Reddit

4. What do you hate?

4. What do you hate?Ask Reddit

5. Been training for years!

5. Been training for years!Ask Reddit

6. They adopt you.

6. They adopt you.Ask Reddit

7. Kim?

7. Kim?Ask Reddit

8. She's not important!

8. She's not important!Ask Reddit

9. Nerd status 3000

9. Nerd status 3000Ask Reddit

10. Awww

10. AwwwAsk Reddit

11. Not wrong.

11. Not wrong.Ask Reddit

12. Done!

12. Done!Ask Reddit

13. Wow. just wow.

13. Wow. just wow.Ask Reddit

14. OMG... Kinda wish this happened to me, honestly.

14. OMG... Kinda wish this happened to me, honestly.Ask Reddit

15. OH GOD!

15. OH GOD!Ask Reddit

16. Apart from the BLEEDING obvious!

16. Apart from the BLEEDING obvious!Ask Reddit

17. Plants... how boring.

17. Plants... how boring.Ask Reddit

18. Iconic.

18. Iconic.Ask Reddit

19. Tea or coffee, Mr. President?

19. Tea or coffee, Mr. President?Ask Reddit

20. Never have.

20. Never have.Ask Reddit

21. Noted for future IT issues.

21. Noted for future IT issues.Ask Reddit

22. This is amazing!

22. This is amazing!Ask Reddit

23. Netflix and math.

23. Netflix and math.Ask Reddit

24. AMEN.

24. AMEN.Ask Reddit


25. WOWWWAsk Reddit

26. Cute.

26. Cute.Ask Reddit

27. Also noted for future use.

27. Also noted for future use.Ask Reddit

28. They were right.

28. They were right.Ask Reddit

29. I'm going to spend the next 30 minutes doing this.

29. I'm going to spend the next 30 minutes doing this.Ask Reddit

30. A very wise man.

30. A very wise man.Ask Reddit