Adorable Black Cats Are Living Their Best Black Cat Lives

Every day is a good day to appreciate black cats

  • Published in Animals
Adorable Black Cats Are Living Their Best Black Cat Lives

While it's hard to fathom the idea that not everyone gushes over the purr-fection that is black cats, we're not going to sit here and waste time paying them any mind. We're here to do what we do best: celebrate cats, and these black cats? They deserve plenty of celebrating.

Sure, some of them are behaving in questionable manners (a few "jerks," if you're inclined to believe cats can be rude, a few weirdos, which all cats have a weird side, and a plethora of purr-fect cuddle-buddies,) but who are we to judge? Humans are plenty questionable, even compared to the weirdest of cats.

1. Not anymore, mom. You're done.

1. Not anymore, mom. You're done.NotKatieCase

2. Usually blending in with the environment is a defense benefit not a risk factor.

2. Usually blending in with the environment is a defense benefit not a risk factor.trash_scout

3. The foil has been conquered by the mighty house panther.

3. The foil has been conquered by the mighty house panther.j_a_a_mesbaxter

4. This cat is C O N F U S E D

4. This cat is C O N F U S E Dbeganbegone

5. The best way for a cat to charge.

5. The best way for a cat to charge.ardwibala

6. C O Z Y

6. C O Z Yjessmadeamess

7. What were you even thinking, human?

7. What were you even thinking, human?robrklyn

8. Taste tests, when the time is right, you're what's for dinner.

8. Taste tests, when the time is right, you're what's for dinner.svkadm253

9. "Nothing should get done in this family without my explicit approval and participation."

9. asleep-under-eiffel

10. The definition of majestic.

10. The definition of majestic.minniehr

11. Very Void-y Shoes

11. Very Void-y Shoescountesszaza

12. Mr. Cuddles, y'all.

12. Mr. Cuddles, y'all.rickets0120

13. Only every single day.

13. Only every single day.BasicCableHolidayLog

14. So far, so good, depending on your interpretation of airplane ears.

14. So far, so good, depending on your interpretation of airplane ears.JDefined


15. HEART EYESmvincen95

16. "These are our beds now. Go away."

16. thesupremesolar

17. She can see so much cool stuff from up there.

17. She can see so much cool stuff from up there.mlosty1

18. That's one way to put it.

18. That's one way to put it.Azsnee09

19. Nap-tastic.

19. Nap-tastic.Able_kitten

20. Same. Same.

20. Same. Same.Tiny_Link_7075

21. Sometimes the message is loud and clear.

21. Sometimes the message is loud and clear.dynamicmuo

22. The audacity of the feeder.

22. The audacity of the feeder.passionfate

23. Theft tastes better.

23. Theft tastes better.Kiara_Liu

24. Obey the cat, or else.

24. Obey the cat, or else.2o2o2o2o2o2o

25. Looks quite pleased, tbh.

25. Looks quite pleased, tbh.Otherwise_Lab_3714

26. Purrfectly Posed Poe

26. Purrfectly Posed Poerabbitflower_13



28. Thank goodness.

28. Thank goodness.0xFENNEC

29. That's exceptionally impressive.

29. That's exceptionally impressive.mysticalbasskitty

30. Still an incredbile view.

30. Still an incredbile view.shesagoatgirl

31. A blessing ocurred

31. A blessing ocurredTeablanket