Bengal Cat Named Mango Has The Best Life-Long Friendship With His Cat Dad

What a dynamic duo these two are.

Bengal Cat Named Mango Has The Best Life-Long Friendship With His Cat Dad

As dedicated cat lovers, it's almost infuriating to hear people say things about cats not being affectionate, companion pets. We know the truth is that cats are some of the sweetest, cuddle-bug, lovers any family could be blessed to have.

Cats have all sorts of reputations, some of which are true (they're mischievous, aren't they,) but rumors about cats not being affectionate are just plain sad and wrong. Mango Brown is a cat whose dad is dedicated to tearing down that incorrect reputation attributed to cats.

Mango Brown is a Bengal Cat who has been the best of pals with his humans, living his best cat life in California for over 14 years now. Here's their heartwarming story!

1. “Their cuteness was too much to handle and their special relationship just needed to be shared with the world. Mango radiates happiness."

1. “Their cuteness was too much to handle and their special relationship just needed to be shared with the world. Mango radiates happiness.justmangobrown

2. “We always say he’s like a little human in a cat package, truly a once-in-a-lifetime magical cat.”

2. “We always say he’s like a little human in a cat package, truly a once-in-a-lifetime magical cat.”justmangobrown

3. "Mango Brown we are so thankful for you."

4. In an interview with Love Meow, Mango's mom Tiffany said:

“He will stop at nothing to get the attention and closeness he craves. Mango has always been loving, talkative, and would rather give kisses than be pet.”

4. In an interview with Love Meow, Mango's mom Tiffany said:justmangobrown

5. Bengal Cats are intelligent, high-energy cats whose behavior is frequently compared to that of dogs. Purr-haps that's why Mango is such a great example of precisely how affectionate cats can be.

5. Bengal Cats are intelligent, high-energy cats whose behavior is frequently compared to that of dogs. Purr-haps that's why Mango is such a great example of precisely how affectionate cats can be.justmangobrown

6. Mango is a Bengal Cat, a breed of cat well known for many things including their gorgeous coats of fur that often resemble wild cats.

6. Mango is  a Bengal Cat, a breed of cat well known for many things including their gorgeous coats of fur that often resemble wild cats. justmangobrown

7. Alongside his beloved cat dad and cat mom, Mango also has a baby brother (who was born on a Caturday.)

The adorable, little duo gets along great and Mango is quite tolerant of the quickly growing rascal.

8. Mango's adorable pictures, meowin videos, and daily shenangigans are shared on his Instagram account which has over 550k followers!

8. Mango's adorable pictures, meowin videos, and daily shenangigans are shared on his Instagram account which has over 550k followers!justmangobrown

9. Mango was adopted by his cat dad at six months old and he's been living his best life ever since.

9. Mango was adopted by his cat dad at six months old and he's been living his best life ever since.justmangobrown

10. Tiffany also said:

“If he is not napping close by he follows us around the house,” she added. “When there are visitors he will greet them with meows and kisses.”

10. Tiffany also said:justmangobrown