51 People Share The Incredible Transformation Of Adopted Cats To Show Their Natural Brilliance
Purrfect before and after photos of adopted cats.

Adopting a cat seems like a simple step that everyone could take. If you are a lover of cats and already thinking of adoption, you definitely should do it.
There are numerous reasons why having a cat around is positive for humans. But there are just as many reasons why it's better for the cat.
For those furry creatures, adoption means finding a new, lovely home and getting the needed affection. For humans, though, it means they'll bring home their best friend-to-be.
Loving cats comes so easily to us, even if we are not aware of that fact at the begging. In one moment, we can bring a furry one home, yet in another one, it already means the world to us.
No one can explain how cats manage to conquer our hearts so quickly, but we'll chalk it up to their charm. And don't worry, that's not all.
Cats will also conquer your bedroom, favorite place on the sofa for watching TV, kitchen, and generally your entire house. Although it could sound scary, the most crucial detail is that you won't resent them at all.
Actually, you will bring them a blanket wherever they find a perfect place to nap because your love will be so grand for these wonderful pets. And that is a confirmed fact by many pet owners.
Some of them even enjoy sharing photos to show how great their love for these beloved pets is. So below, we have collected some wholesome photographs of cats before and after adoption.
1. "Bartolito the day he was rescued vs. 3 weeks later"

2. "I found a scared kitten in Ukraine, and now he is all grown up"

3. "I found this 7-month-old kitty hanging around my shop. He was covered in dirt, oil, etc. I decided to bring him home and let him live the life he deserves since he's a good boy"

4. "Before and after the rescue, Jenny"

5. "People ignored her when she was on the streets 2 years ago. Now they are amazed by how much beauty she has to offer. Before and after"

6. "My neighbors saw a cat get hit by a car. Unfortunately, she couldn't be saved. Then they heard a kitten crying under a shed, and they brought him to me. Before and after"

7. "This is Mouse. I found him barely alive by the road a month ago"

8. "1 week as my foster baby vs. 3 years old as my handsome rescue Bubba"

9. "1 year ago, I found this tiny kitten in the middle of the parking lot at my work. Before and after"

10. "The first day I adopted this abandoned kitty and 48 days later"

11. "I rescued a kitten from a bus engine a week ago. He had ringworms, conjunctivitis, an infection in his ears, fleas, and an intestinal parasite. Before vs. after"

12. "99 was a feral cat who was badly burned but displayed an astonishing will to live. Now he commands the entire household"

13. "A year ago, someone dumped this sweetheart on the road, and luckily I found her before she was hit by a car. Now look at my sweet kitty"

14. "The day I found him scared and alone taking shelter under my car vs. today"

15. "My beautiful girl Chase was orphaned, and I found her on a busy street in the middle of the road dodging cars. Hence the name Chase. I had to chase her. Before vs. after"

16. "Bagheera came into the animal er I work at. He came in with a broken paw, due to being stuck in a car engine, and needed a home. I couldn't say no to this little guy"

17. "Our neighbors abandoned a cat that was attacked by an adult copperhead but miraculously survived. We adopted him and named mister Fluffy"

18. "I found this kitten laying on the ground in a parking lot. We named him Coffee. Needless to say, things have changed"

19. "Before and after the adoption. I found this ginger kitten on the road in 2021. Later on, I found a loving family for him. Now he's big and strong"

20. "I found this little one crying in a sewer grate. I climbed in myself so I could save it. Before and after"

21. "My kitten Rice the day I found him vs. today"

22. "We found this cat in awful condition on the street and took him to the local vet. Soon after we found a loving family for this poor boy"

23. "One stormy night lil' Weezy found us in our garage. Before and after"

24."Before and after. She was so sick and tiny, but now she's happy, healthy and loves chasing our two dogs around"

25. "I adopted Mold in 2020. At his previous home, he was terrorized by the dogs and eventually got fleas from them, resulting in dermatitis. Now he's a majestic floof"

26. "I saved this tiny kitten. He's a thief and stole my heart. I'm adopting him now"

27. "I rescued this cat off the street. Before and after"

28. "When I found Nugget, she was covered in fleas, had an eye infection, and a heart murmur. Now she's big and loves chin scratches"

29. "She was a feral kitten from the woods next to my house. No one wanted her, but I needed her. Meet Cleo, my new rescue kitty"

30. "When I got my bottle baby at two weeks, he was full of infections and buggies. Now the only thing he is full of is food and love. Before and after"

31. "Discovered behind a dumpster"

32. "My little Dizzy. Someone found him in a field with a few other cats around 6 weeks old and he’s about to turn 4"

33. "My foster boy when I first got him in June and now. I'm so happy with his progress"

34. "I found Atticus posted on the craigslist for $40 from a farm. This was the best $40 I ever spent on"

35. "This is Mochi. She was my first bottle baby. She was the only survivor out of a litter of 5"

36. "The first day I found her vs. one year later. I found her in the parking lot of my complex. I heard meowing from the trees. I meowed back, and she came to me"

37. "Triple foster kitten's glow up. Before and after"

38. "She's Snowfy, sometimes Fider or Fiddick. I got her in 2020, during covid lockdown. I saw her eating cockroaches on the side of the street and decided to adopt her"

39. "Our sweet Nugget when we found her and 6 weeks of love and care later"

40. "They told us it might be cancer, but we adopted her anyways. It turns out she was just stressed out. Before vs. after"

41. "Bobby Wobble's before and after adoption. He was a stray who had to be shaved to get the mats out. He has hyperthyroid but otherwise surprisingly healthy"

42. "This is Tima. His previous owners brought him to the vet with pulmonary edema to euthanize. I saw him and decided to help"

43. "We found Freyja alone in a parking lot, dirty, and her eyes completely crusted shut. We had to syringe feed her by hand as she was so little and weak. Before vs. after"

44. "Seamus was an orphan at 1 week old. Now he's super handsome and spoiled"

45. "When I adopted him vs. now"

46. "Before and after we found bonnie alone, stuck in a barn with no food or water. He was 7 weeks old"

47. "I found this little one shivering and alone behind our house a few months ago. We took her in, treated her, and cared for her. Here she is now"

48. "Before and after, I found him in a parking lot and brought him home with me. now he's sleeping a lot more comfortably"

49. "Geralt's before and after I adopted him"

50. "Before and after. It's been one month now since we caught him. He was running around my dad's place, and he caught him"

51. "Took in and started feeding a stray about 6 months ago, here are the before and after pics"

Choosing to adopt a cat is a big decision, but it will benefit both the cat and the owner. It provides a pleasant place to live, boosts physical health, encourages socialization, lowers stress, and even saves lives.
If you are thinking of adopting a cat, it means that you are already ready to bring home your best furry friend.