People Are Sharing BadStockPhotosOfMyJob On Twitter And It's Even Better Than We Expected
Whoever makes stock photos might want to re-think things.

Stock photos serve a lot of multimedia purposes, especially for those of us who need to share images alongside stories! Over the last few years as Internet meme culture has propelled forward and transformed into an unstoppable machine of humor, we've even seen characters, stories, and singular stock photos become iconic memes!
And that's not even where the usefulness of stock photos ends because a new trend has emerged on Twitter and we are so here for it. Using the hashtag #BadStockPhotosOfMyJob, people are searching their job title and sharing stock photos that pop up. The results have been more hilarious than expected, whether you know what their job is or not!
"Very impressive joint noises."

Inspiration is funny like that.
Meaning: it's super inconvenient, apparently.

Yeah, Science!
This is very cocky of them, though.

This is not how photogaphy works.
But someone didn't tell the... photographer? Who took the stock photos? Really?

Seems legit
Seriously, who thinks up this stuff?

Safety First
Unless it's a stock photo, then no worries about accurate representation.

I'm not even an evolutionary biologist (obviously) but...
I can confirm tweezers like this are hard to find.

In tight spaces.

I have so many questions...
And absolutely zero answers.

Upholding the LAW
Like a BOSS.

Someone out there doesn't undestand Botany.
Psst, it's the photographer.

Weird flex but okay.
I can't say I blame her.

Not that kind of hot.

Checking reflexes?
Not like this? Really?

I so hope they actually do this in the lab.

One specimen at a time like a proper scientist.

No complaints here.
More like #PerfectStockPhotosOfMyJob

The clue that it's fake?
Apparently the smile.

Nice stuff you're working with, here!
Dr Jen is a well-known and respected Twitter sensation and somehow I can totally picture her giving a thumbs up to a patient, even if it's satire.

What kind of architechture is this?
I suspect we find it on a triple x website.

...I... I don't know?
What's an apple doctor?

It feels very serious.
I think I'm learning.

Weird Science!
Smart mice?

"It's cute when you twist the wrong way."
That's why he's smiling.

The divide is clear.
Who are we trying to appeal to when we do this with male and female stock photos?

"Is this the Matrix?"
Where is Keanu when we need him?

Steady, Steady...
You got this.

Sensual Welding
Are you doing it right?

What a cool looking job!
A little unrealistic but who is counting, right?

A thorough pointing.
You know what? The science adds up.
