Dad Jokes That Are So Bad They're Actually Quite Impressive

Do you wish you were the funniest person in your friend group? Stay away from these jokes.

  • Published in Funny
Dad Jokes That Are So Bad They're Actually Quite Impressive

Dad jokes. They're the best and worse type of dry humor and although we all want to laugh at how ridiculous they are, no one really wants to give their dad the satisfaction of knowing that he's funny. Luckily enough for us, society has progressed enough that you no longer have to be a dad to tell dad joke, anyone can do it, that doesn't, however, mean that they're funny. 

But it's more acceptable to punch your friend for making a bad joke than it is to punch your dad, and that makes it a little more bearable. Check out these jokes below and tell them to torture your friends!

I'm 80

 I'm 80

Get out.

 Get out.

You deserved it for actually telling this joke.

 You deserved it for actually telling this joke.

This is my FAVORITE joke!

 This is my FAVORITE joke!

... Why.

 ... Why.

Corners control the weather now.

 Corners control the weather now.

This one is clever!

 This one is clever!

This one will always get a chuckle

 This one will always get a chuckle

This joke is a little ... dim.

 This joke is a little ... dim.

This is good and I hate it.

 This is good and I hate it.

The first official Dad Joke...

 The first official Dad Joke...

"That was beautiful."
