This Nurse Realizes She Made A Huge Mistake When Choosing What To Eat At Lunch And We Can't Stop Laughing About It
I don't think many of us can say that we've never experienced anything like this woman experienced.
- Published in Funny
We're here to share an extremely hilarious story and really it's only funny because the TikToker was laughing about it herself, so that means we can laugh too. So, we're covering a story today that went viral when a TikToker who is a nurse came on her page to explain a funny situation that happened to her on her lunch break.
Now, many of us would have probably been so upset and felt completely dumb so we really applaud her boldness when it came to sharing this story on her TikTok page. This situation was probably more embarrassing than anything which is why we wanted to share it with you because even if this exact thing hasn't happened, we're sure you've had an embarrassing food moment before as well.
Jen Hamilton is the famous TikToker nurse that became very popular after sharing her embarrassing, regretful, and slightly stupid mistake that she made on her lunch break. We definitely wanted to share this story to make you feel better about if you've ever done anything as embarrassing as this.
If you want to hear more about what happened and see the TikTok then stay tuned as we go through the entire story from Jen's perspective.
Jen begins the video talking about free food being offered at work, which of course, you'd take advantage of.
She starts off the video by saying this: “I’m about to tell you something so embarrassing that I lied directly to my friends at work today because I could not bear to admit what I had done. So, if you’re watching this and you work with me: surprise.
I lied. So yesterday, I was working, and somebody says to me, ‘hey there’s food in the break room. Leftovers from a party, go get some food.'”
“So I get in there, there’s some leftover Chick-fil-A sandwiches — warm that up — and there’s some leftover baked beans in a crock pot — warm that up — go on with my day.
Delicious. All of it. Delicious.”
Jen then left work and then came back the next day to realize her embarrassing mistake.
_jen_hamilton_We seriously can't even begin to imagine how Jen felt, but we would have lied too.
She continues on with, “Today, I’m sitting at the nurse’s station and my friend Mary says to me, ‘Jen! Did you ever get your crock pot?'”
Jen is a little confused and continues with “What crock pot?” and begins laughing, “She said, ‘do you remember when we had a barbecue last month and you brought the baked beans?’
No…what baked beans. What crock pot?”
“Well, it was in the break room, it was full of baked beans I found it on top of the fridge.”
“What?” Jen peeped out in response before busting out into laughter.
Her co-worker then asked in horror, “You didn’t eat them, did you?”
Jen responds, "NO!" obviously lying.
_jen_hamilton_Here is the original TikTok so you can hear the story straight from her.
This is when the comment started rolling in on how she should have known that something was up.
CHARThis is what I want to know too is if someone else made the same mistake as well.
Amy SmithersworthPeople were most definitely laughing with her.
Emily VondyI would have died and I don't think I would have told the world either.
theycallmecrystaWe'd all be screaming if this happened to us.
The.Dog.Paw.SquadRight?! There was no sign of it being old at all? So weird.
MelissaLooks like this Soon2beRN can take some notes from her video.
Soon2beRNSomeone obviously set her up for failure.
Brittany PoissonNow you can't deny that this was both embarrassing and absolutely terrifying. I don't even think half of us would have gone to TikTok to tell this story because it was just too embarrassing but we're happy that Jen can laugh at herself a little bit.
What would you have done in this situation?