These Actors And Actresses Need To Improve If They Don't Want To Disappoint These Movie Fanatics

A polite way of saying, "you suck."

These Actors And Actresses Need To Improve If They Don't Want To Disappoint These Movie Fanatics

In general, we have a good grasp of who everyone loves in the entertainment industry (I mean, 2019 was dubbed the year of Keanu Reeves for a lot of valid reasons). And we have some concept of actors that nobody can stop talking smack about (usually, also for good reasons). But what about that sweet spot in-between? Where an actor or actress might be beloved by some but despised by others?

There's a lot of those and courtesy the users on this session of r/AskReddit, we're going to have a brief discussion about why some of these actors and actresses quite literally ruin entertainment for some people.

I submit into evidence, Wild Hogs.

John Travolta post 2000. As soon as I see him I know I’m in for a mediocre performance at best.

I submit into evidence, Wild Hogs.gfycat

Interesting take...

Elisabeth Moss. The hypocrisy of her starring in The Handmaid’s Tale and also being a practicing Scientologist is too much for me. Also, she looks just like an ex-girlfriend who dumped me.

Interesting take...gfycat

I'm surprised to see her on this list.

Ruby Rose makes me want shoot myself. She was in John Wick 2 and I hated it.

I'm surprised to see her on this list.tumblr

OH Snap, someone is coming hard after Queen Bea.

Beyonce. Hollywood is determined to make her a leading lady but her acting is just awful.

OH Snap, someone is coming hard after Queen Bea.tenor

Interesting, since she was only involved towards the end of the 7 season series!

Katherine Heigl. I just don’t think she is a good actress. I literally had to stop watching Suits because she is such a disaster of an actress. Her “indignant” is the same as … basically everything else. Just, no.

Interesting, since she was only involved towards the end of the 7 season series!giphy

Aw, cut him some slack.

Jaden Smith – no explanation needed.

Aw, cut him some slack.giphy

Sometimes, separating an actor from a single role can be impossible.

Shailene Woodley. I was in middle school when Secret Life of the American Teenager came out and her character, the lead, was so whiney and unlikeable that it’s ruined everything she’s done since.

Sometimes, separating an actor from a single role can be impossible.giphy

A fair criticism.

Michelle Rodriguez. She always gets typed cast as the most annoying “I’m not like all the other girls, I’m one of the guys” type character and it annoys the shit out of me.

A fair criticism.giphy

Wow, dude. Tell us how you really feel?

Lena Dunham. Insufferable, entitled, hypochondriac, attention-seeking brat that basically just plays herself. Bleh.

Wow, dude. Tell us how you really feel?giphy

Hey, that's not always a bad thing.

How has Jennifer Lopez not been mentioned yet? I swear, I start falling asleep whenever she appears on screen.

Hey, that's not always a bad thing.giphy

Oh boy, we all know how the Internet feels about anti-vaxxers.

Rob Schneider. To top it off, he’s also an anti-vaxxer.

Oh boy, we all know how the Internet feels about anti-vaxxers.tenor

"Over it."

Rebel Wilson. Kind of over the whole “clumsy and awkward fat girl” trope.


Not everyone can love him.

Johnny Depp. I used to enjoy his movies but now I hate seeing him in anything. I couldn’t even watch the latest Harry Potter universe movie because of him.

Not everyone can love him.giphy

Sometimes you just can't get past the actor to see the character.

Will Smith. He plays himself and ruins my suspension of disbelief. I don’t see his character, I see Will Smith.

Sometimes you just can't get past the actor to see the character.gfycat

Part 1 for this commenter...

Tom Cruise. I concede that he is a good actor. I used to enjoy his movies. However, his Scientology involvement and his general attitude in real life are so off putting and disturbing to me that I can no longer enjoy a movie that he is in.

Part 1 for this commenter...giphy

And Part 2...

Gwyneth Paltrow is almost at that point for me now. The more she talks in real life, the more overpriced pseudoscientific and dangerous crap she peddles, the harder it is to watch her in a movie because I kind of want to backhand her across the mouth. Shame, too, because she’s a good actress.

And Part 2...giphy

Are there any actors that everyone seems to adore that you just cannot stand? Let us know in the comments!
