This List Of The 15 Most Awkward Moments of 2018 Will Make You Wish The Year Was Over

Guaranteed to not be the worst recap of 2018.

  • Published in Funny
This List Of The 15 Most Awkward Moments of 2018 Will Make You Wish The Year Was Over

So here we are once again, nearing another rotation around the sun, the end of yet another year. 2018 has been an interesting mixed bag of good (such as the royal wedding, a long awaited Infinity War, the best Spiderman movie, a female Doctor on Doctor Who, artist such as Stevie Nicks, Radiohead and the Cure being added to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame) and bad (such as the passing of icons Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Stephen Hillenburg, Stephen Hawking and Margot Kidder).

I'd like to gather you all here to celebrate neither the good nor the bad, but the downright awkward moments of 2018.

Always hug a dentist. They need your hugs.

Always hug a dentist. They need your hugs.Source

The correct Starbucks order.

The correct Starbucks order.Source



Lukey boy here seems to know the right way to do prom in my opinion

Lukey boy here seems to know the right way to do prom in my opinionSource

HAHAHA That's truly awkward.

HAHAHA That's truly awkward.Source

I wonder what the next day at work would have been like.

I wonder what the next day at work would have been like.Source

That's really not what that means but nice try.

That's really not what that means but nice try.Source

The only breakup to come with an applause.

The only breakup to come with an applause.Source

... and the award for most uncomfortable Uber ride goes to...

... and the award for most uncomfortable Uber ride goes to...Source

I have feeling that image sums how they felt in that moment. It's how I'd feel.

I have feeling that image sums how they felt in that moment. It's how I'd feel.Source

I'm worried... about what the response was.

I'm worried... about what the response was.Source

Not obvious at all.

Not obvious at all.Source

There are some modelling jobs you should turn down.

There are some modelling jobs you should turn down.Source

What did you do to annoy the DMV?

What did you do to annoy the DMV?

Salsa - the score we all wish we got.

Salsa - the score we all wish we got.Source