People Share 40 Typical Problems That All Parents Can Relate To

If you're a parent then you've probably encountered one of these problems before.

People Share 40 Typical Problems That All Parents Can Relate To

Most parents can kind of agree with each other on a lot of different things simply because we all seem to encounter the same crazy situations, problems, tantrums, and embarrassing moments because of our kids. If you're not a parent then you still might find this article hilarious, useful or it could help you understand what parents go through on a daily basis.

With all this being said, most parents do deal with different problems that they encounter when raising kids, which is why this post was made in the first place. Clearly, these parents had some agreement with the others if they were able to come together to create a post with 40 average parent problems.

So if you're a parent, or maybe if you're not, then you might find this extremely entertaining as people come on to share the top parent problems that they've encountered as parents. Ultimately we love sharing posts like these because they can relate to so many different people on different levels.

If you like reading stuff like this then this should be right up your alley. Now, without further ado, we'll actually jump into the article now and take a look at 40 average parent problems shared by parents all around.

1. Well it's good to know that this will literally never change.

1. Well it's good to know that this will literally never change.bekah

2. This is the cutest thing ever seriously.

2. This is the cutest thing ever seriously.averageparentproblems

3. I couldn't even be mad because that was a clever response.

3. I couldn't even be mad because that was a clever response.GrantTanaka

4. I think a lot of us in our day was that kid. Oops.

4. I think a lot of us in our day was that kid. Oops.averageparentproblems

5. Well now you know to be more specific next time.

5. Well now you know to be more specific next time.michimama75

6. Explaining things to kids is always way more difficult than it needs to be.

6. Explaining things to kids is always way more difficult than it needs to be.middleageriot

7. We have all encountered a kid or been a kid that's like this.

7. We have all encountered a kid or been a kid that's like this.thedad

8. I think we've all been there before and we'll probably all be there again.

8. I think we've all been there before and we'll probably all be there again.Beagz

9. I like the way she thinks. I'll hire her full time.

9. I like the way she thinks. I'll hire her full time.XplodingUnicorn

10. Our kids homework is like rocket science to us who haven't been in school in 30 years.

10. Our kids homework is like rocket science to us who haven't been in school in 30 years.m3aruf

11. I really couldn't have twins because I think I'd be so confused all the time.

11. I really couldn't have twins because I think I'd be so confused all the time.averageparentproblems

12. Yep, everything that they aren't supposed to touch, they touch anyway.

12. Yep, everything that they aren't supposed to touch, they touch anyway.averageparentproblems

13. Well I mean it's probably still true though. We're all screaming together.

13. Well I mean it's probably still true though. We're all screaming together.whalefern

14. I feel you on this man because I get a little excited when my kid hits my back.

14. I feel you on this man because I get a little excited when my kid hits my back.erin_de_boer

15. Well this is an interesting post and interesting pose.

15. Well this is an interesting post and interesting pose.averageparentproblems

16. We can't have another remake of an awesome movie anyway because nothing would compare.

16. We can't have another remake of an awesome movie anyway because nothing would compare.clhubes

17. I'm just proud that they said it in the right context though.

17. I'm just proud that they said it in the right context though.yehudi_eyif

18. This is basically how it is though to raise a boy. We are not okay.

18. This is basically how it is though to raise a boy. We are not okay.averageparentproblems

19. I think we can all agree that this is how we feel when we get to do this.

19. I think we can all agree that this is how we feel when we get to do this.averageparentproblems

20. With how many emails they send out this could definitely be a full time position.

20. With how many emails they send out this could definitely be a full time position.joebirbigs

21. Sounds about right because we probably will not call you back.

21. Sounds about right because we probably will not call you back.averageparentproblems

22. This is a hack that I think we all might need. But we get to keep the good art though.

22. This is a hack that I think we all might need. But we get to keep the good art though.averageparentproblems

23. It's okay though at least they are trying and that's all that matters.

23. It's okay though at least they are trying and that's all that matters.averageparentproblems

24. I just camouflage myself in any area that I can when this happens.

24. I just camouflage myself in any area that I can when this happens.averageparentproblems

25. Sounds like it's time to explain that sometimes Santa needs a little help from the parents to buy the gifts.

25. Sounds like it's time to explain that sometimes Santa needs a little help from the parents to buy the gifts.averageparentproblems

26. I prefer to do both by dozing off and then waking back up to watch every 5 minutes.

26. I prefer to do both by dozing off and then waking back up to watch every 5 minutes.averageparentproblems

27. I'm not as guilty with this one but it's definitely happened.

27. I'm not as guilty with this one but it's definitely happened.averageparentproblems

28. I think we all understand the frustration though.

28. I think we all understand the frustration though.averageparentproblems

29. I think that a lot of us feel this way, but we'll never be enough in our own eyes.

29. I think that a lot of us feel this way, but we'll never be enough in our own eyes.ProfMMurray

30. This is why a lot of parents binge eat.

30. This is why a lot of parents binge eat.averageparentproblems

31. She's probably not trying to come back from Target.

31. She's probably not trying to come back from Target.simoncholland

32. The kids will do just fine with a water hose.

32. The kids will do just fine with a water hose.averageparentproblems

33. Yeah this sounds about right because you might oversleep or get no sleep.

33. Yeah this sounds about right because you might oversleep or get no sleep.mollymcnearney

34. I think we all have been in this headspace before. No judgement.

34. I think we all have been in this headspace before. No judgement.averageparentproblems

35. Mine aren't at this age yet, but I'm not ready.

35. Mine aren't at this age yet, but I'm not ready.averageparentproblems

36. Yeah this sounds about right.

36. Yeah this sounds about right.MichaelaOkla

37. We just sign and go.

37. We just sign and go.averageparentproblems

38. You're at the height of motherhood this way.

38. You're at the height of motherhood this way.bessbell

39. I'm sorry, but what?

39. I'm sorry, but what?SamGreszes

40. Yep we've all been there at some point.

40. Yep we've all been there at some point.averageparentproblems

This post really shows that people who are parents clearly live a lot of the same lives when it comes to what they do and deals with when it comes to their kids. I think we all had a bit of a laugh while reading this post and going through all of the situations that parents have been through with their kids.

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