Incredible Artist Re-Imagines Disney Characters In The Avatar Universe And It's Epic
Before today, I didn't realize how badly I needed a crossover this epic.

Both Disney and Avatar have massive fan bases with dedicated and devoted fans that span multiple generations, that's just a fact. What's also true, is that fandoms produce incredible artists, including Robby Cook.
Robby Cook is a professional artist and illustrator who lives in the United States and describes himself as "a 2D artist and animator." He said:
"I love to do paintings and drawings such as character designs, backgrounds and landscapes. I'm a Disney and Super Hero Fanatic. And I am addicted to coffee."
This incredible series where he mashes up Disney characters and Avatar characters and concepts is one of the coolest crossovers we've seen in a long time. Whether you're a fan of one or both, you'd be hard pressed not to seriously dig this artwork.
Support the Artist: DeviantArt | Website | Facebook
1. Swamp Bender, Tiana

2. Kida as Avatar Korra. Li Shang as firebender Mako. Flynn Rider as earthbender Bolin.

3. Disney Order of the White Lotus
From left to Right:
Chief Powhatan: Master Airbender and High priest of the air nomads.
Maurice: Master earth/metal bender and lead inventor for the Earth King
Merlin: Master Firebender and tea connoisseur. With his faithful messenger hawk/owl.
Fa Zhou: Master swordsman and sword maker.
King Triton: Master Water Bender and leader of the Northern Water Tribe.

4. Prince Eric and Ariel of the Water Tribe

5. Princess Aurora of the Northern Water Tribe

6. Ursula, Blood Bending Sea Witch

7. Fire Lord Maleficent

8. Earth Bender Kristoff

9. Earth Bender Cinderella

10. Jafar, Head of the Dai LI

11. Belle and the Mystical Library

12. Water Bending Elsa

13. Mulan of the Kyoshi Warriors

14. Air Bender Pocahontas

15. Fire Bender Esmerelda

16. Water Bender Ariel

17. Earth Queen Yzma

18. Rapunzel of the Ancient Sun Warriors

19. Merida of the Freedom Fighters

20. Air Bender Pocahontas

21. Megara, Master of Throwing Daggers

22. Snow White and the Seven Earth Benders

23. Fire Bender Anna

24. Fire Bender Princess Jasmine

25. Evil Queen Blood Bender

26. Kida, Avatar Korra
