Redditor Insults Woman For Stopping His Autistic Sister From Pacing Around Due To A Delay In Their Flight

"So your plan is to call security on a 13 year old girl for what exactly?"

Redditor Insults Woman For Stopping His Autistic Sister From Pacing Around Due To A Delay In Their Flight

Developmental impairment, known as an autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is brought on by variations in the brain. People with ASD may behave, interact, speak, and learn differently than most other people.

Frequently, their appearance does not distinguish them from others. And people with ASD can have a wide range of skills. 

Children and teenagers with autism who stim appear to find it easier to control negative emotions like anger, fear, and excitement. For instance, because stimming directs their attention to the stim or causes a calming change in their bodies, it might help them relax.

Children who stim may find it easier to cope with visual information overload. Stimming can lessen sensory overload for autistic kids who are overly sensitive to sensory information because it focuses their attention on just one item.

Stimming can also awaken "underactive" senses in individuals with autism who are undersensitive. The OP of today's story has a younger adoptive sister who has autism.

It happened that their flight got delayed, and she got really stressed out. The OP advised her to calm down, so she paced around and shook her hands, which was her own stimming.

One woman had a problem with it, as she claimed her paces were disrupting her reading. The OP made sure to put her in her place, and you can read all about it as you keep scrolling down. 

The headline

The headlineu/Mindless_Egg_71

The OP's dad recently passed away and his sister is really worried

The OP's dad recently passed away and his sister is really worriedu/Mindless_Egg_71

Her therapist calls it stimming as it has something to do with autism

Her therapist calls it stimming as it has something to do with autismu/Mindless_Egg_71

She doesn't process things the same way

She doesn't process things the same wayu/Mindless_Egg_71

The woman believes the OP's sister can be a normal person

The woman believes the OP's sister can be a normal personu/Mindless_Egg_71

She stopped and talking and let her calm down

She stopped and talking and let her calm downu/Mindless_Egg_71

The Reddit post generated hundreds of comments and here are some of the most upvoted ones

The Reddit post generated hundreds of comments and here are some of the most upvoted onesReddit

This Redditor doesn't think the OP was mean

This Redditor doesn't think the OP was meanReddit

Some people don't understand niceness

Some people don't understand nicenessReddit

She didn't even ask if your sister was okay

She didn't even ask if your sister was okayReddit

Putting your hands on a child you're not related to

Putting your hands on a child you're not related toReddit

Your sister has every right to walk in an airport

Your sister has every right to walk in an airportReddit

Time traveling to the 1960s

Time traveling to the 1960sReddit

You can contact security and use those words

You can contact security and use those wordsReddit

This Redditor would have probably put her in her place

This Redditor would have probably put her in her placeReddit

You did the right thing here

You did the right thing hereReddit

She can't understand basic communication or have any empathy

She can't understand basic communication or have any empathyReddit

A full blown autistic melt down by a teenager

A full blown autistic melt down by a teenagerReddit

She had the audacity to touch a child that wasn't hers

She had the audacity to touch a child that wasn't hersReddit

This Redditor admits that the OP is a better and nicer person than them

This Redditor admits that the OP is a better and nicer person than themReddit

The entitlement of some people is astonishing to me

The entitlement of some people is astonishing to meReddit

This Redditor would have been in her face

This Redditor would have been in her faceReddit

It's not her home and she's not in control

It's not her home and she's not in controlReddit

You did a good job advocating for your sister

You did a good job advocating for your sisterReddit

Self-stimulating activities are referred to as "stimming." Despite the fact that many individuals have a stim, the behavior has come to be linked to autism.

Redditors have aired their opinions, and the OP was declared not the AH. Do share this post with your loved ones if you're in agreement with the final verdict.
