These Are THE Funniest Memes To Come From The Plot To Storm Area 51
Liberate the extra terrestrials, do it for the meme.

So, unless you've been living under a rock until just now and avoiding the entirety of the internet at all costs then you've probably heard a few things about a 1.2-1.5 million person march to storm Area 51 to liberate the aliens. The event on Facebook started out as a joke but has become an entire subset of meme culture and has made global news, even warranting responses from the US government!
Air Force spokeswoman Laura McAndrews told The Washington Post:
Area 51 is an open training range for the US Air Force, and we would discourage anyone from trying to come into the area where we train American armed forces. The US Air Force always stands ready to protect America and its assets.
Area 51 is the common name of a highly classified United States Air Force facility located within the Nevada Test and Training Range, it has been riddled with controversy, mystery, and sci-fi tales of alien fan-fiction for decades now. In response to firm threats released from the US government urging citizens not to storm area 51, one user said:
Hello US government, this is a joke, and I do not actually intend to go ahead with this plan. I just thought it would be funny and get me some thumbsy uppies on the internet.
As the event has gained momentum and popularity, some of the funniest and most hysterical memes of the entire year have been spread like a California wildfire over every social media platform you can think of. The event, which is scheduled to take place on September 20th, 2019, is probably going to fizzle out and fade, but for now... the memes are absolutely hilarious.

Storm them!
What's the worst that could happen? Progress?

Preditable ASF
Worth it, tbh.

They're ready for us.
We're ready for them. Mutually beneficial.

Can you imagine?
Or has your memory been erased?

Maybe this is a bad idea.

Guns everywhere!
Although, I'm not sure even an AR-15 could stand up against top secret, extraterrestrial, military grade weaponry.

"I regret everything!"
Some people gotta learn the hard way.

Maybe the government is really looking forward to the raid.
It wouldn't surprise me.

Gotta let the lil dude take the wheel.
I mean if he can drive thru the vastness of space he can probably handle your car.

Points for trying.
Not many people would be able to do better.

He waits.
He's patient like that.

We all just want a friend like this.
And those who storm the base just might get one.

Pull a Trojan Horse move.
This would be a non-violent option.

"I shall call him Venom and he shall be my Venom."
Big spiky BOI

"On the Internet, no information is safe."

Big Weapons
If anyone is good at slaughtering the masses, it's the military, right?

What a before and after!

What now?
They tricked us.

When the plan backfires in unexpected ways.
They're just happy to be free.

Asking the tough questions.
Our priorities are kind of messed up.

"I plead the fifth."
TSA be like: "We're above the law."

No reason at all.

That's a big red flag.
You're gonna need to be admitted for 24 hours of observation by association.

He had his reasons.
We hope she finds out.

"We will kill you on sight."
Millennials: "So?"

Faster than a bullet

Context matters
September can't come fast enough.

Simpsons have predicted many things, why not this?

I'm just here to watch.
Someone bring the popcorn.

Y'all might wanna take this into consideration before you go.
But what do I know?
