This Asian Artist Shows Off Her Brilliant Makeup Skills By Transforming Herself To Look Like Different Celebrities

It's so amazing yet honestly kind of creepy at the same time.

This Asian Artist Shows Off Her Brilliant Makeup Skills By Transforming Herself To Look Like Different Celebrities

Nowadays, it is quite easy to pretend that you are someone you're not, what with the growing existence of editors like Photoshop or Pixlr just to fool people or just for the heck of it. There is also the growing popularity of "deepfakes," which are real photos or videos of people plastered with different faces—making it easy for people to fool whoever they want with these fake contents.

Nowadays, people use deepfake technology for their visual effects, and some even plaster fake faces (a celebrity's, for that matter) on some racy videos just to attract some views. Most industries may also use this as part of their digital strategies, in order to fight off extremist groups or interact with certain individuals they are targeting.

Some people, however, don't need the use of technology or deepfakes to plaster a completely different face on themselves. Meet gillianisme, an Asian makeup artist on TikTok that creates the content of transforming herself into different celebrities—and excellently so!

Gillian is living proof that one does not necessarily have to rely on technology to fake their identity; they only need to use a couple of brushes, some contour, and mascara. It's definitely not as easy as it looks though, because looking at her works, she truly got some skill!

She can turn herself into any person or character, and no matter what gender, race, or ethnicity they are, there is always a guarantee that Gillian could transform herself into that person. She has transformed herself to look like Scarlett Johansson, Cate Blanchett, Anne Hathaway, Wanda Maximoff (her Scarlet Witch transformation, rather), Audrey Hepburn, Jackie Chan, and so many more!

The results are always amazing, and it's truly marvelous to think how far can Gillian's makeup skills and talent go. It's no surprise that her videos have made their way to the top of TikTok's algorithm, and she definitely deserves the millions of likes and views that she gets for her makeup looks!

Just look at some of her best works below.

1. Cate Blanchett

1. Cate Blanchettgillianisme

2. Michael Jackson

2. Michael Jacksongillianisme

3. Scarlett Johansson

3. Scarlett Johanssongillianisme

4. Taylor Swift

4. Taylor Swiftgillianisme

5. Audrey Hepburn

5. Audrey Hepburngillianisme

6. Edward Scissorhands

6. Edward Scissorhandsgillianisme

7. Billie Eilish

7. Billie Eilishgillianisme

8. Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch

8. Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witchgillianisme

9. Jackie Chan

9. Jackie Changillianisme

10. Natalie Portman

10. Natalie Portmangillianisme

11. Anne Hathaway

Putting on a glam look is definitely one thing, but changing the way you look into someone famous takes a lot of massive skill. This girls' works are so impressive you might even think she edited it to make herself look more like them—but no, it's all talent!

11. Anne Hathawaygillianisme

12. Audrey Hepburn

12. Audrey Hepburngillianisme

13. Eason Chan

13. Eason Changillianisme

14. Andy Lau

14. Andy Laugillianisme

15. Stephen Chow

15. Stephen Chowgillianisme

16. Anne Hathaway

16. Anne Hathawaygillianisme

17. Jennie Kim

17. Jennie Kimgillianisme

18. Cheon Seo-Jin From Penthouse: War In Life

18. Cheon Seo-Jin From Penthouse: War In Lifegillianisme

19. Anita Mui

19. Anita Muigillianisme

20. Malena

20. Malenagillianisme

It's both crazy and amazing to think how Gillian can skillfully transform herself with just her own makeup materials and she is able to make herself so eerily similar to her reference it actually seems creepy to see! This kind of talent, sadly, is somewhat underrated, but good thing that she is able to show it off on her social media because her works are definitely appreciated by her millions of viewers!

Which one was your favorite? Comment it down, or share this article for your family and friends to see!
