35 Heartbreaking And Annoying Examples Of "Hostile Designs" Against Humanity

These design elements are intended to harm, restrict, or exclude people from exercising their freedom.

35 Heartbreaking And Annoying Examples Of "Hostile Designs" Against Humanity

What do you notice about the architecture in your favorite city when you stroll around? What do you think about some of the well-known landmarks?

What are your thoughts about the lovely vegetation amidst the enormous skyscrapers? Or perhaps the engaging and welcoming public areas?

These components undoubtedly catch our attention, but there are other factors as well. Here we can see these elements of the urban environment, like bars on benches and spikes on window sills, which are also there to regulate how the spaces are used.

We seldom ever pay attention to the myriad factors that affect how we feel in our environment. However, the eye-opening Twitter account named "Hostile Design" reveals that such aggressive actions are regrettably more widespread than you may imagine.

The creator of the page compiles images that portray the harsh reality of how public spaces target the homeless while doing little to no help for the general public. The idea of hostile design, sometimes known as defensive design, has been the subject of a complicated and contentious debate for a while now, as users of these public spaces and activists have begun to record the instances they have encountered.

Take a look at the gallery of images we assembled from the account if you're not clear on what we mean. Nevertheless, I should warn you that once you learn about it, you will start to notice it everywhere.

1. Lack of compassion isn't the answer

1. Lack of compassion isn't the answerhostiledesign

2. Uncomfortable people will not linger and talk with their friends

2. Uncomfortable people will not linger and talk with their friendshostiledesign

3. The irony

3. The ironyhostiledesign

4. Bravery at its peak

4. Bravery at its peakhostiledesign

5. Why they took away the benches...

5. Why they took away the benches...hostiledesign

6. Nobody can even sit here. Ugly overkill

6. Nobody can even sit here. Ugly overkillhostiledesign

7. Why build it if you want no one to sit on it

7. Why build it if you want no one to sit on ithostiledesign

8. Installation of large rocks

8. Installation of large rockshostiledesign

9. Is this a challenge?

9. Is this a challenge?hostiledesign

10. Isn't this supposed to be a rail?

10. Isn't this supposed to be a rail?hostiledesign

11. Does this reminds you of a jar opener or what?

11. Does this reminds you of a jar opener or what?hostiledesign

12. This makes it impossible to just plain walk

12. This makes it impossible to just plain walkhostiledesign

13. These designs are also really awful for the elderly and disabled

13. These designs are also really awful for the elderly and disabledhostiledesign

14. You pay, you get a pass

14. You pay, you get a passhostiledesign

15. Then why make the bench that way?

15. Then why make the bench that way?hostiledesign

16. That is just too hostile

16. That is just too hostilehostiledesign

17. Guess they're trying to stop something

17. Guess they're trying to stop somethingDominicJCunneen

18. Does this really look better than barbed wire?

18. Does this really look better than barbed wire?hostiledesign

19. Why would anyone do this?

19. Why would anyone do this?hostiledesign

20. Come see this leaning bus stop bench

20. Come see this leaning bus stop benchTonyatwork

21. There's still lots of room

21. There's still lots of roomhostiledesign

22. Looks like she could give Bruce Banner a run for his money

22. Looks like she could give Bruce Banner a run for his moneyhostiledesign

23. Hideous indeed

23. Hideous indeedhostiledesign

24. This is just hideous

24. This is just hideoushostiledesign

25. A cat would sleep on it

25. A cat would sleep on ithostiledesign

26. Spikes are tough to see in this one... zoom on in

26. Spikes are tough to see in this one... zoom on inhostiledesign

27. Which is more hostile here, the clown or the multi-national corporation?

27. Which is more hostile here, the clown or the multi-national corporation?hostiledesign

28. Check out these huge bricks

28. Check out these huge brickshostiledesign

29. I guess sitting on a semi-temporary barrier along a roadside is not very safe

29. I guess sitting on a semi-temporary barrier along a roadside is not very safehostiledesign

30. These are clearly to help get up from a particularly low bench

30. These are clearly to help get up from a particularly low benchhostiledesign

31. It looks too narrow to lay down any how

31. It looks too narrow to lay down any howemsbrd

32. You sit in the bottom of a curve and it deters a stranger from sitting right next to you

32. You sit in the bottom of a curve and it deters a stranger from sitting right next to youhostiledesign



35. Hmm

35. HmmAxolotl_pragmat

These design elements are intended to harm, restrict, or exclude people from exercising their freedom. Whether they target homeless people, skateboarders, or loitering teenagers, they all have the same purpose: to exclude a particular segment of the community from a public area.

What are your thoughts about these hostile designs? Drop your thoughts below and share this post as well.
